Natural Science

Deepen your understanding of the natural world by learning about biology, chemistry, physics, and geology.
Close-up photo of moss
World's Oldest Moss May Not Survive Humans
C. Militaris fungi wired for sound
Mushrooms May Talk to Each Other Using Their Own Fungal Language
Aspen Trees in the Pando Clone near Fishlake Utah
Listen to the Sounds of the Largest Tree on Earth
Beautiful fall foliage in the northeast USA
Turning Over a New Leaf—A Lesson From Trees in Embracing Change
A glacier towers above a hiker at sunset.
How Do Glaciers, Ice Sheets, Sea Ice, and Icebergs Differ?
Chick hatching from egg on egg tray
Finally Answered! Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?
Oil painting of a person sleeping with an article of clothing
Your Lover's Scent Is as Good as Melatonin for Sleep
Residential Shaded Sidewalk with Green Trees in Evanston Illinois
Trees Are a Cool Solution in the Heat of the Moment
Three-Toed Tree Sloth With Young
Why Are Sloths Sooo Slow?
Aerial View of Boreal Nature Forest and River in Summer
30 Wild Facts About the Boreal Forest
Termite mound in Waterberg, Namibia / detail of the egress complex
Termites Outsmart Humans When it Comes to HVAC Systems
color images of deep sea creatues
Over 5,000 New Deep-Sea Species Found in Future Mining Hotspot
A coral reef teeming with fish
Coastal Lights Are Tricking Coral Reefs and Harming Their Recovery
The sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) responds to human touch.
Do Plants Have Feelings? A Science Explainer
looking up at blue sky and white clouds from the base of a circle of pine trees covered in snow
Trees Form Friendships and Remember Their Experiences
Sunrays Through Treetops
94% of Americans Agree This Nature-Based Superhero is Good for the Planet
A turtle on the beach walking toward the water
Dozens of Cold-Stunned Sea Turtles Released Into the Wild After Months of Rehab
a modern building with mossy stones in front
World's First Rewilding Center Opens in Scotland
Medieval manuscript illustrations showing luan eclipses.
Sky-Gazing Medieval Monks Shed Light on Volcanic Mysteries
Hand holding wilted vegetables in own garden.
Stressed Plants Make Sounds, We Just Can't Hear Them
The Uncanny Intelligence of Slime Mold
color portrait of Alaska conservationist Margaret Murie in front of Grand Tetons
10 Women Who Changed the Way We See Nature
a strange glowing yellow-orange flower on the forest floor
Strange, Ethereal 'Fairy Lantern' Presumed Extinct is Rediscovered After 30 Years
a photo shows a woman wearing a green dress adjusting a small retro tv
Here's a Wild Reason To Watch More TV
Celtic Rainforest in summer, Argyll, Scotland
Tropical Rainforests Are Not the Only Rainforests Under Threat
10 Wonders of the Solar System
groundhog surrounded by dry leaves and small plants
Secrets of the Groundhog Revealed
A wildly starry night sky over mountains
Stars Are Disappearing From Sight at an Astonishing Rate
Microorganisms in a super-heated hot spring
Archaea vs. Bacteria: What Are the Differences?
7 Surprising Facts About Charles Darwin
What Is an Indicator Species? 10 Key Examples
Lingonberry leaves in the snow
15 Taiga Plants That Thrive in the Boreal Forest
leucistic albatross
Leucism vs. Albinism in the Animal Kingdom
A diversity of large animals in an African grassland.
3 Types of Biodiversity: Overview and Importance
Indian flying fox
8 Fascinating Examples of Convergent Evolution
profile shot domesticated dairy cow with bell collar in front of small village
What Is Selective Breeding (Artificial Selection)?
Tourists taking photos of an enormous flower that towers over them all
10 of the Largest Living Things on the Planet
An underground cave that houses the thermal aquifer situated a few tens of meters from the surface.
What Is Fossil Water? Geology and Renewability
How Pioneer Species Recover the Ecosystem illustration
What Is a Pioneer Species?
Qeqertaq Avannarleq
Mysterious 'Ghost Island' Revealed to Be Rare Iceberg in Disguise
The full moon rises over the hills shrouded in smoke from wildfires on July 22, 2021 in Bly, Oregon. The Bootleg Fire, which started on July 6th near Beatty, Oregon, has burned over 399,000 acres and is currently 38 percent contained.
Smoke From US Wildfires Is Turning the Moon an Eerie Color
9 Interesting Space Noises From NASA's SoundCloud
students in school all raise hands to ask a question
6 'Stupid' Questions That Aren't Stupid at All
Historic Art Deco District in South Beach, Miami, USA
Miami Beach to Swap Out Palm Trees
8 Images of Solar Eclipses
Cain and Abel Mystery Solved?
8 Superlative Spiders
Pando aspen grove
This 80,000-Year-Old Aspen Grove Clones Itself
Elevated view of flowering plants and shrubs on a slope, two kayakers on a narrow river and grassland.
Edge Effects: Habitat Biodiversity and Human Interference
9 Things You Didn't Know About Lunar Eclipses
Cypress swamp with vegetation emerging from the water
Freshwater Biome: Types, Plants, and Wildlife
neodymium is a magnetic chemical element with the symbol Nd, in solid state. It is part of the rare earth group, used in the technology industry
What Are Rare Earth Metals?
Clownish swimming in blue sea anemone
Marine Biome: Types, Plants, and Wildlife
Venus illustration surrounded by starry sky
8 Surreal Images of Venus
El Gran Abuelo cypress in Chile
Chile May Be Home to the World’s Oldest Tree
Glue pouring out of bottle onto table
Is Glue Sustainable?
Dandelion seeds blowing
How Dandelions 'Decide' to Spread Their Seeds
Aerial view of a surfer riding an ocean wave.
What Causes Waves in the Ocean? Energy Analysis and Wave Types
river view of Guangxi
Sprawling Ancient Forest Discovered in Remote China Sinkhole

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