Why You Need a Toddler Schedule and How To Make One

A set toddler schedule could help raise a happy, cooperative kid. Here's why toddlers love routines, plus a sample daily schedule to get you started.

Toddler napping on couch

Maria Manco / Stocksy

Keelee Rakowski has a toddler schedule you could set your watch by. If it's 7 a.m., the 22-month-old is eating breakfast. Then she plays with her older brother, Aidan, until 8:45 a.m., before heading to the park with her mom.

Snacktime comes at 10:30 a.m. The rest of the morning has its order, too: Playtime, followed by drawing, lunch, books, and nap time.

"To me, not keeping her on a schedule would be like trying to run a business without a business plan," says Keelee's mom, Mary Jo, who lives in Denver.

The Rakowski family's routine may be a bit rigid for some parents. Still, experts agree that toddlers like Keelee thrive on having a reliable structure to their day. Why? It keeps them balanced when so many things are changing in their world.

Studies have found that routines are consistently found to benefit kids. For example, bedtime routines improve sleep habits, and family routines improve social skills, academic success, and resiliency.

Read on to learn why toddlers thrive with a schedule or routine. Plus, check out a sample toddler schedule you can use as a template to build your own.

Reasons for a Toddler Schedule

A toddler's language, social, and motor skills are developing rapidly, and they are growing physically, too. While all of these are good things, the transitions they're going through can easily overwhelm them, leaving them cranky, unsettled, and averse to cooperation.

"Your child needs some consistency to their day, a predictable sequence that lets them explore the world without worry," says Victoria Fleming, PhD, a child and family therapist in Granby, Connecticut.

Getting a toddler on a schedule has many advantages—and it isn't as challenging as you may think. In fact, your child's natural rhythm can help dictate it.

Think about all the stages they go through during the day. They probably already get tired, hungry, and playful at specific times. Simply pay attention to these cues and build a schedule around them. "You should have a calming transition time for naps, a mealtime routine, and a regular time for play," says David Burnham, MD, a pediatrician with the Lehigh Valley Health Network in Pennsylvania.

Is a toddler schedule worth the effort? Absolutely. Within weeks of starting the routine, you'll notice these five benefits.

Toddler schedules help develop confidence

According to Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center, familiar routines help toddlers develop a sense of belonging and self-confidence. That's because when a child knows what's coming next in their schedule, they'll feel more comfortable, confident, and capable.

Knowing there's a sippy cup waiting for them after their nap every day—or that they'll get to read Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? once they brush their teeth—will help them feel like they have a little more control over their world.

Toddler schedules decrease bedtime battles

Toddlers with consistent nighttime schedules tend to fall asleep easier and sleep longer than kids who don't have a regular evening routine, says Tanya Altmann, MD, a Los Angeles-based pediatrician and author of Baby & Toddler Basics. Once your child gets used to a specific sequence of events, they'll be able to settle down faster and get ready to nod off.

Studies have found that young children with bedtime routines sleep better than those without. Bedtime routine sleep benefits are more significant when they are consistent and when started at a younger age.

Maya Feehely, a 14-month-old from Toronto, has a cup of milk at 8:30 p.m. every night. (Her toddler routine starts a little later than most; her parents adjusted it because she'd been waking too early.) After Maya finishes her milk, she and her mother, Anne, play for a while. At 9:00 p.m., her dad takes her upstairs for a bath, books, and a prayer. Then he puts her down at 9:30 p.m.

"She smiles and waves to me and goes upstairs, which tells me she understands that the bedtime routine is starting," says Anne.

Toddler schedules make kids more flexible

Once you have a routine in place, your child may be better able to adapt to sudden shifts, such as when you're going out for the evening, or they need to spend the night at Grandma's.

"Toddlers with routines also seem to adjust better to stressful situations, such as moving, switching daycare centers, or welcoming a baby sibling," says Dr. Altmann.

Carol Carmody was concerned about how her 19-month-old son, Jimmy, would handle a plane ride when the family went on vacation. "We knew we'd have to wake him up halfway through his nap to make our flight," says the mom from Kensington, Maryland. "But as it turned out, he was fine. I think putting him down at a consistent time was more important than how long he slept."

Toddler schedules result in fewer meltdowns

Toddler tantrums are common. Studies have found that they occur most frequently among 3-year-olds and decline in frequency in the years after. That said, when older kids have tantrums, they tend to last longer—up to 10 minutes for 4- and 5-year-olds versus one to five minutes for 1- to 3-year-olds.

Even though this is normal developmental behavior, most parents would prefer a kid who can keep their cool for a bit. But, if your kid is hungry or tired, it's a recipe for disaster (even adults have difficulty keeping attitudes in check when we need food or sleep!). A schedule can help them chill out (for a while) because it prevents situations that typically lead to tantrums.

For instance, once your toddler gets used to the idea that they'll eat lunch right after you pick up their older sibling at preschool, they'll learn to wait a bit longer before they lose it. "Kids with a routine are better at handling momentary chaos," emphasizes Dr. Burnham.

Toddler schedules help you get through the day

As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) point out, structure is good for kids and parents. That's because it's easier for parents to feel confident when life is predictable and when they know how to respond.

Having a routine lets you know what to expect from your day, too—and when to anticipate your next break from caregiving. That consistency can make it easier to deal with more challenging moments or times when you feel exhausted.

Just ask Michele Staron, a mom in Las Vegas: "I'm wiped out by dinnertime," she says, "but since I know with certainty that my 17-month-old, Austin, will be asleep at 8 p.m., I can get through those last few hours without losing it."

Toddler Schedule Sample

Need help establishing a routine for your toddler? Borrow this blueprint—then adjust it to meet your family's needs.

  • 6:45 a.m. Wake up, play in the crib or parent's bed
  • 7:30 a.m. Breakfast
  • 8:00 a.m. Dress and brush teeth
  • 8:30 a.m. Read books and play
  • 10:30 a.m. Morning snack
  • 11:00 a.m. Arts and crafts
  • 11:30 a.m. Listen to music
  • 12:00 p.m. Lunch and cleanup
  • 12:30 p.m. Naptime
  • 2:30 p.m. Afternoon snack
  • 3:00 p.m. Outdoor play or walk
  • 5:30 p.m. Dinner
  • 6:00 p.m. Playtime and cleanup
  • 7:00 p.m. Bathe and brush teeth
  • 7:30 p.m. Pajamas, storytime, lullabies
  • 8:15 p.m. Bedtime

If your child goes to daycare, talk to the staff about the schedule they use so that you can sync it with the one you use at home. Weekends can look a little different, especially if your child attends daycare, but try to keep the bones of your toddler's schedule the same (wake time, naps, dinner, bedtime routine).

Key Takeaways

Consistent routines work wonders for little ones, but you don't have to live your life by the clock. Having a steady sequence of activities is the most important thing, so don't stress about precise timing. The key is to create a schedule that works for your family and to adjust it whenever necessary.

Updated by Andrew Parsons
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  1. The Importance of Creating Habits and RoutineAm J Lifestyle Med. 2018.

  2. The importance of schedules and routines. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. 2022.

  3. Bedtime routines for young children: a dose-dependent association with sleep outcomesSleep. 2015.

  4. Temper tantrums in toddlers and preschoolers: Longitudinal associations with adjustment problemsJ Dev Behav Pediatr. 2022.

  5. Building structure. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2019.

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