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Can I still cash in my French francs?

This article is more than 11 years old
I have found a bundle of pre-euro French francs and travellers cheques. Can I cash them in?

When my bank closed its safe deposit facility and requested me to collect the contents last week, I expected to find the deeds of my house. However, what I found was an envelope with a wad of French francs and some unsigned travellers' cheques.

I am embarrassed that I've wasted this money. Am I right in thinking the travellers' cheques don't amount to a loss as they haven't been cashed? And is there any way of retrieving any value for pre-euro francs? SV, Lancashire

There's good news, and bad news. The good is that the travellers' cheques never expire, so can be cashed in as normal. It's "pas bon" on the francs front. French banknotes remained convertible up until 17 February, meaning you have missed the deadline by just a few months. If it is any consolation, you are not alone. It is estimated that franc notes worth some €550m remained unexchanged, allowing the French state to register the corresponding sum as revenue.

You could always hold on to them and hope that their value on eBay improves. Some might say that the way the whole euro project looks at the moment, you may find that they are usable once again if the worst happens and it all falls apart!

We welcome letters but cannot answer individually. Email us at consumer.champions@theguardian.com or write to Bachelor & Brignall, Money, the Guardian, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Please include a daytime phone number

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