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A recent study of 11- to 13-year-old babysitters found that almost all of them know whom they should contact if faced with an intruder or sick child, but 40 percent said they had left children unattended and 20 percent had opened the door to a stranger.

Figuring out whether your daughter is up to the task really comes down to knowing your child. (Note: Some states do set the minimum age for a babysitter at 12.) Does she generally make good decisions? If she has younger siblings, how does she interact with them? If you're confident that she would be reliable, then suggest she take a babysitting class. The American Red Cross offers a one-day course for 11- to 15-year-olds (

You can also help your child prepare by rehearsing different scenarios, such as what to do if the doorbell rings or a stranger phones. And it's a good idea to ease her into the role: In the beginning, she should only accept jobs for a few hours at a time, so that she has a chance to get used to the kids she's watching and vice versa. Of course, she should always know how to contact the parents in case of an emergency; having the number of a neighbor is a good idea as well. The more support she has, the better.

Mary L. Pulido, PhD, executive director of The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children