Steak, potatoes, and vegetables seasoned with an herb garlic butter and all cooked in a compact foil pack. They can be oven baked or grilled for a tender tasty dinner the entire family will love!  Foil packs are a lifesaver when you are grilling outdoors or simply want to make a quick no mess meal at home. I like to make foil pack dinners with chicken, shrimp, and steak. The reason is that the meat, veggies, and rice (if using any) all cook at once in one foil pack so there’s hardly any mess to clean up.

For this foil pack steak recipe, we like to use veggies and potatoes and seasoned them with lots of garlic and butter. The butter and garlic add lots of flavor to the steak and when charred, the garlic is out of this world. Foil Pack Garlic Steak & Veggies To begin, simply chop up all of your favorite veggies. For the potatoes, we like to use the small “fancy” potatoes and cut them up really small because they take the longest to cook.

If you like your steak well done, use raw potatoes and chop them up into small 1” pieces.

If you like your steak medium, chop the potatoes into small 1” pieces and place the potatoes in a microwave-safe dish. Cook in the microwave on high heat for 3-4 minutes or until almost cooked. Add to the steak and veggies and bake or grill.

For the steak, top sirloin, whole eye fillet, ribeye or even cubed beef stew works well. Obviously, the more expensive the cut the more tender the outcome will be.

After you’ve chopped the steak, potatoes, and veggies, Add them to the foil packs and drizzle with a mixture of garlic, thyme, and butter. Wrap tightly and bake or grill for 20 minutes or until the steak is done. To get that nice charred top on the steak, simply place it under the broiler or 1-2 minutes or flip the entire foil pack the last 5 minutes if grilling them.

To make the potatoes cheesy, simply add your favorite melting cheese during the last 3-5 minutes of cooking.

Foil Pack Garlic Steak & Veggies

4.50 from 6 votes

Foil Pack Garlic Steak, Potatoes, and Veggies

Steak, potatoes, and vegetables seasoned with an herb garlic butter and all cooked in a compact foil pack. They can be oven baked or grilled for a tender tasty dinner the entire family will love! To make them cheesy, simply add your favorite cheese the last 5 minutes of cooking. 
Prep10 minutes
Cook20 minutes
Total30 minutes
Servings 4


  • 2 pounds top sirloin steak*, Cut into 2'' pecies
  • 1 pound Potatoes, cut into 1'' peices
  • 1 cup zucchini, chopped, optional
  • 1 cup bell pepper, chopped, optional
  • 1 cup onion, chopped, otpioanl
  • 3 tablespoons melted butter , or olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced or crushed
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano or thyme
  • 1 teaspoon dried parsley, optinal
  • salt and pepper, to taste (I use about 1 teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon black pepper)


  • In a large bowl combine, potatoes, veggies, melted butter, and seasoning. Divide steak and potatoes between four 12x12 inch sheets of foil, then wrap the foil tightly around the contents to form your foil packs.
  • To Grill: grill over high heat for about 10 minutes on each side or until steak and potatoes are cooked. If you prefer a char on your steak, you can open up the packets at the end and cook for a couple minutes directly on the grill, or for baking, you can switch oven to broil for a few minutes (with packets open
  • To Bake: Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees, bake foil packs for about 20 minutes until cooked through to the desired doneness. 
  • To Make Cheesy: Carefully open foil packs during the last 3-5 minutes or cooking, sprinkle the veggies and potatoes with cheese and place under the broiler for 2-3 minutes to melt the cheese and char the steak. 


If you like your steak well done, use raw potatoes and chop them up into small 1'' pieces. 
If you like your steak medium, chop the potatoes into small 1'' pieces and place the potatoes in a microwave-safe dish. Cook in the microwave on high heat for 3-4 minutes or until almost cooked. Add to the steak and veggies and bake or grill. 
For the steak, top sirloin, whole eye fillet, ribeye or even cubed beef stew works well. 

Additional Info

Course: Main
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  1. I love these foil packs. They are so easy to put together and have big flavor!

  2. Can you please tell me how to proceed to prepare the portions ahead of time for medium-rare beef or veal doneness in the oven and to freeze them for future use…….Do I cook them before freezing or raw of the freezer? If, frozen, what would be the baking time/temperature? Should I pre-cook the vegetables before freezing? (mini potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots brussels sprouts)


    1. I haven’t tried freezing them so I can’t say without further recipe testing.

      1. Can anyone tell me about how to prepare them ahead of time and freeze for future use?

        1. We haven’t tried freezing them as I don’t know how well the potatoes or foil will freeze.

  3. If cooking in the oven. Do I need to put foil packs on a cookie sheet

    1. You can put the foil on the rack or on a cookie sheet. The cookie sheet will catch any spills.

  4. Love your recipes, Going to Try most of them.

    1. Thanks so much, Dorothy!! I hope you enjoy everything you make 🙂