10 Signs a Guy You Met Online Likes You

guy you meet online
Photo by Porapak Apichodilok

In this day and age, you can find your prince charming anywhere! Love is not tied anymore to the classic girl-meets-boy story because your love can literally be a click away – all thanks to modern dating websites.

Although high tech romances can be fun and sweet, it does have its pros and cons. For one thing, online dating makes it more difficult for people to know if the other person behind the blue screen likes them back. Without facial expressions and cues from the tone of the person’s voice, how does one cope?

This complication is what usually leads to misunderstandings and sometimes even to falling out. But no worries, there are always signs to look out for to know if the guy you are chatting up online likes you!

Video: Does the Guy You Met Online Like You?

Signs a Guy You Met Online Likes You

1. He replies instantly.

If the guy truly likes you, he would not wait for six hours and then reply. Many guys make it quite clear when they show interest in the girls they meet online. Quick responses are always happy indicators of interest in most cases.

Be careful, though! In some situations, where the guy takes very long to reply, it is sometimes used as a strategy to determine how much you are interested in him. Tables are quickly turned for some girls but don’t worry, which does not mean it is a bad thing. Some guys like to take a dip in the water first before diving in!

2. He compliments you.

Another sure way to know if a guy you met online likes you is if he compliments you. Most guys aren’t shy with their sweet comments, so if he is fond of giving it, then it’s not unlikely that he is fond of you too! Guys like to sweet talk to the girls they are interested in.

Unlike shallow people, a serious guy will give you sincere compliments. You will be able to sense genuine praise from a fake one from a thousand miles away! Allow himself to compliment you, don’t reject it or shrug it away. One should also know how to appreciate compliments.

ALSO READ: 8 Tips on How to Compliment a Girl

3. He shows interest in getting to know you.

When a guy likes a girl, it is perfectly normal for him to show interest in getting to know her. He may ask you questions about yourself – what is your favorite color, things you dislike, or your first pet’s name. Whatever it is, the subject of the question doesn’t matter because the point is, he wants to get to know you!

If he is enthusiastic and lets you talk about yourself, it is definitely a sign of interest! Do not forget to set limitations upon yourself, never to divulge any personal or private information. Take it slowly first and get to know each other part by part by asking friendly questions.

4. He tries to make you laugh.

The guy does not need to be a stand-up comedian for him to try and make you laugh! Most guys use their sense of humor to let the girls they like to know that they actually like them. Perhaps this is because of shyness or lack of good words, but one can’t deny the fluttery feeling that one experiences when a boy is doing his best to make a girl laugh.

Laughter is the best medicine, and laughter is also the best way to a woman’s heart. It is very well known that humor is essential in the list of qualities one looks for in a guy, so it is no wonder that many opt to take this route.

Signs a Guy You Met Online Likes You
Photo by 46173

ALSO READ: 12 Good Reasons Why Funny Guys Make Girls Fall in Love

5. He respects your personal time.

He does not only respect your personal time but also respects you in general. A respectful person is a sign of a good person and one of whom you can trust. If he floods you with messages, if he gets upset or irritated when you don’t reply quickly, or when he is trying to invade your personal life, then maybe it is time to rethink the relationship.

Look out for both white and red flags. White flags are signs of trust in a person. If he respects your personal time, that is a white flag right there, but if he is obsessive, then that is definitely a red flag! If he truly likes you, he will never give you a reason to feel uncomfortable.

6. He knows his limitations.

Besides the fact that he is respectful towards you, a guy would also know his limitations if he truly likes you. He will never insist on fast-forwarding the relationship if he knows that it is not what you want. A guy who likes you will be patient and take time to set the pace.

If the guy likes you, he will know better than to be aware of the limitations he has to set up for himself. Boundaries are important, especially in a relationship that is just starting to blossom. He won’t mind the slow pace, for he knows that good things come to those who wait!

7. He is consistent and persistent.

Consistency and persistence is the key! A guy who likes a girl would be consistent in his words and actions. He will never fail to compliment you or two, and he will never forget to hit you up at least once a day to talk to you. Consistency in a guy is important because this is one way to see his efforts.

Persistence is also important, but it must be a good kind of persistence. He is still persistent in getting to know you even if you want to be friends at first – that is already a sign that he likes you! But even though he is like that, he still knows his limitations and would never want to end up as the creep.

8. He asks about your day.

A simple “how was your day?” goes a long way. It is such a simple question that can be interpreted in so many ways. If a guy is interested in hearing even the most mundane events that happened to you, then he must surely like you, for he is taking the time to ask!

Do not hesitate to tell him about your day, even if it is just a friendly gesture. A guy who cares enough to ask you about yourself must truly care for you.

 Signs a Guy You Met Online Likes You
Photo by StockSnap

9. He shares stories about himself.

A guy who is willing to share stories about himself with a girl can be a sign of interest, especially if he shares personal stories. By doing this, he is marking you as a special person. He is leaving himself vulnerable to your judgment. That takes courage, and that kind of courage only comes from love.

Allow him to open himself up to you. This is also a great opportunity for you to get to know him better, so do not be afraid to lend him an ear.

10. He never hesitates to give you a good time.

Lastly, a guy likes you if he never hesitates to give you a good time. He makes a conscious effort to keep the conversation going, make you laugh, or make you feel good about yourself. He likes you, and he wants you to enjoy every time you spend with him. Everyone likes a good impression, and so he wants to leave an impressive mark on you.

As it is in the pros and cons of modern romances, one can never truly tell the other person’s sincerity at the end of the screen. Love can be so real, but at the same time, it can be so easily faked. But despite the setbacks, there are always signs that you can look for.

Remember never to assume unless stated in words. If you have doubts or want to know, then pick the right time and ask him if he indeed likes you! Do not be afraid to take that jump – make sure to time it perfectly. If you never take risks, then you’ll never know.

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Chinese Translation: 10个迹象表明了,你在网上认识的人喜欢你


10 Signs Your Online Date Can Be Trusted

Carisha lives for writing and painting. When she’s not doing either of the two, she is most likely to be seen petting stray dogs or commuting in high fashion boots.
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March 21, 2022 2:05 pm

I just stated talking to this guy i met on an app the conversation is going well he has already expressed that he likes me he says all the right things but He’s in another country and He is very sweet with the chatting. I have not expressed that I LIKE HIM as yet because I think it going a bit too fast. He seems to not mind but that has not stopped him from all his daily chatting. I just don’t want to get hurt in the end what if all this is too good to be true or a scam! I haven’t been in a relationship in a while and I’m putting myself out there. I did express this to him “I didn’t want to be played on here and come out being a fool” his response was to face time me to see if I was OK. I definitely didn’t see that coming. but I still have my doubts.

December 29, 2020 7:06 pm

i have a nice boyfriend he is nice cares about me but hes online but my system broke i dont know what to do crying rn

December 18, 2020 10:09 pm

I’ve been talking to a man overseas saying that he works Dubai he says his German we have been having arguments because he will not FaceTime me tells me that he doesn’t have Internet over there that’s what he does he’s the engineer oil drilling so he works in the sea he’s telling me he is who he is but I’m not believing he tells me that he loves me that I have trust issues and I do have feelings for him toHe has asked me for money I gave it to him once he asked me again and I said no I would like to have any reply to this to make me understand if this is a catfish or not please respond any advice thank you

Reply to  Manuelafaria
January 2, 2021 9:02 am

Any man who won’t show you his face, definitely doesn’t deserve you or your money.

I think he has a lot of nerve to ask you for money in the first place. Toss him. You will have many opportunities to find men just like him before you find a good one. Don’t waste any more of your time and money on this one.

If he really loves you, he wouldn’t try to make you feel bad about having “ trust issues”. Online dating scams are a reality and he only appears more suspicious. If he really doesn’t have internet access, he would at least say “ we can FaceTime when I have the chance.” Not try to gaslight you and make it seem like you are being unreasonable. ESPECIALLY if he is taking your money. Toss him.

Reply to  Manuelafaria
January 23, 2021 3:35 am

Catfish. Its painful to say it and im sorry. Its happened to me but im sassy so i pick these things quick. He is not German, nor lives in Dubai, nor works at sea. Its bullshit. He won’t facetime because he’s not who he says he is and he probably uses an internet cafe in a poor country. Hes using your vulnerability against you. Confront him or block him. Simple. It hurts but the right man will help you get over it. X

Reply to  Manuelafaria
February 27, 2021 2:58 pm

It is a scam!!! Do not have contact with this person! Never ever give money to any one you met on line!
God Bless and stay safe#

Reply to  Manuelafaria
March 27, 2021 9:21 pm

He is a romance scammer dear, don’t give any money nor your valuable time to him. The person who talks you on the phone, is not even the same person in the picture

Rosemarie Sparks
Rosemarie Sparks
December 10, 2020 6:25 pm

It is rare chances to like someone online. And also, it is very difficult to know if a guy that you like also likes you or not. These are amazing signs that are described in the post and help to know if a guy like or not.

November 28, 2020 6:42 pm

I met a guy on IG. At first, we just clicked ‘like’ for each other post. Yet, our profiles are simply the photos we took, we barely post pictures of us -self. Anyway, last year we started talking, he greeted so I greeted back.

We’ve been constantly messaging for a year. They’re more like letters in fact because most of them are long. And rather than ‘what are you doing’ and stuff, we talk about flowers, weather and whatnots.

The thing is we live in 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 parts of the world, and we don’t talk the same language. We’ve been depending on Google translate a lot.

And maybe it’s just not me that he’s communicating like that but anyway, recently, he’s saying occasionally about wanting to go to my country. He probably just wants to 𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘵 my country.

But say if he’s into me or something like that, and he’s got here. And I’m not really ready for this. I’ll definitely feel sorry, that if he comes all the way here just to face me avoiding him.

So, should I straight up ask him? And maybe, warn him a little bit beforehand?

November 5, 2020 8:47 pm

I met this guy about 7 months ago on a video game lol, we chatted for a while. I started growing feelings for him but i didn’t accept them because i was in a relationship. The guy i was with was emotionally abusive. (I’d say physically as well, he hit me a few times.) The guy i started liking eventually convinced/helped me get to the point of breaking up with my so called “significant other”. We aren’t together yet, we’ve been taking it slow! He shows all these signs actually, (I like reading these kinds of things, they make me smile). He told me believe early on, that he he started growing feeling for me as well early on but he knew about my relationship (not the situation) and didn’t want to interfere if i was happy. I’d honestly be devastated if we didn’t work out, but i’m hopeful. Thank you for writing this!

October 28, 2020 6:48 pm

I met this guy tru fb. We’ve chatting for months in messenger and whatsApp we’ve exchanged I love yous too. He’s always so busy with work since he runs his own company.
He replies fast, sometimes it takes time depending on the situation. He droves to a lot of places everyday, I can say it coz we’re doing video calls too, and i understand that too. But the sad thing is he’s not the expressive type of person, he compliments less, he’s not too sweet, he don’t asked much except for hoes my day going.
Sometimes, I think maybe he’s not interested with me. But Everytime I tell him that we should stop, coz I felt something was off he said that lots of things going in his mind and he’s sorry for that. I felt so sad in our situation.I am 27 and his 28, sometimes I will think maybe he’s too serious because he’s mind is matured, at early age of running a company Im really confused 😭😞. Isn’t nice to have an interactive partner right? He says he loves me and cares for me, there’s a time that I was so tired and need a break in everything he book me a room in a hotel just for me to rest peacefully there. Please advice me if you have experienced this too. Thank you so mucb.

October 21, 2020 7:04 pm

I met him in online classes during one of my college courses. We both never directly spoke to the other person, at least not at first. I do know that on my end, I’ve been hurt before and I always dont interact with people that I like. Eventually, we ran into each other (quite literally) on-campus and he asked me for my number. We chatted for about two months before actually deciding to meet up. It was a blast. We kept talking afterwards, and met up twice more. Things started to get confusing then. He began to be a little more flirtatious over calls and texts. I rejected all of his advances out of confusion and fear of the past, but I loved every bit of it. I was unsure whether he was interested in me, or just playing with me. Then we met up for the fourth time. I’m going to spare you the details, but we kissed. We’ve been dating for 6 months now, and I don’t regret a thing. Its interesting to look back on these facts and see how interested he actually was. I was blind then. No longer, though.

October 17, 2020 1:18 pm

I meet a guy who is 10 years older than me I’m 36 and he’s 46 he is from US. At first I am attracted to him because of his profile pic then when we go through with 1 month talks we chatted everyday slowly knowing each other on slow dating site then he want us to jump to Skype where we can see vc. But I refused at first but he’s patiently waiting until I decided to install Skype and want to know him more too even he’s a type of guy will never tell unless I asked but I found many interesting things from him most of your list written is how he did to our conversation. I mostly asks him, I even discussed my personal things like I am a single mom of 4 years old twins. But on his side I knew less about his family and other things. Then most of the times he is interested on sexting which I embark him too even am shy at first since I have less experience on love making but talking to him is like I’m giving all myself already I allowed him to travel my whole being just in chat . He’s the only guy I let to do sexting but I never shown any vital parts of me. Been 4 months now we still on and don’t know if what we are? our status? Since there’s nothing official talks
in relationship between us. Any help of advice? Do I fall in love with him since I missed him everyday? He never fails to initiate chat in morning until he sleep, he misses me too he want to know my everyday life, how many times he told me he likes and interested on me, he respect me too, he apologize, he compliments, he cares about but he never talks about future. What should I do? Do I need to start avoiding him or just go with the flow? Thanks. God bless!!!

Reply to  Kelly
May 10, 2021 3:51 pm

Maybe you should go with the flow! I guess it’s like you both secretly like each other but too shy to confess. If he doesn’t make the first move you can be the one who confesses first. If he feels the same then congrats! you have found the one. If he doesn’t feel the same about you, don’t feel sad atleast you won’t be confused.

October 8, 2020 1:11 am

We’d been good friends online for several months- and we had met up recently as well. We’ve always had our playful banter and teasing comments, but we both denied our feelings for a long time. It’s funny to look back on what happened before we started dating and match up all the signs. I wouldn’t trade him for the world, even if I sometimes don’t admit it.

October 6, 2020 11:31 am

Hi, i started a dating web and found a guy. Unfortunetly, the web site requires credit payment that i dont have the access for that. And i texted him my private contact and told him thst we can communicste by email. But he is still text me on the web site and i couldnt replay for him. What shall i do???