Pure and simple: Top tips for an old-fashioned spring cleaning

USING a few old-fashioned cleaning methods and household staples, you can take a leaf out of the history books and zing into spring.

spring, cleaning, tips, ideas, household, UploadExpress, Rachel Carlyle S MAG

Zing into spring with these old-fashioned cleaning tips

Not that you are likely to go snooping, but you won’t find cupboards stuffed full of modern chemical cleaners in Lucy Lethbridge’s house. Since researching her latest book, Spit And Polish, the historian and writer has discovered the joys – and the sheer unrivalled cleaning power – of traditional products such as vinegar, borax and even sticks of rhubarb.

She gathered nearly two centuries of cleaning tips from the memoirs of servants, the household advice books beloved of Victorian society, magazine articles and public health information leaflets. 

Lethbridge thinks the Victorians would have been horrified by our slovenliness. “For them, a tidy and clean house was a sign of a clean soul,” she says. “I don’t think our houses are as thoroughly clean as would have been expected in the 19th century in middle-class households: how often do we scrub skirting boards, light fittings and picture frames, and really clean behind furniture?” 

Mind you, the Victorians lived with more dirt – black, grimy film from coal fires, and dust thrown up by cobbles, horses and brickworks. “They lived in a miasma of visible dust that’s not really known to us now,” adds Lethbridge. “I wouldn’t think of dusting my books every day, but perhaps I would if they were coated in a daily black film.”

We’re more bothered by a house smelling clean than actually being clean, she says: “We like a ‘clean’ smell, which is not the smell of an absence of dirt but the smell of whatever chemicals are in the cleaning product we use.” Interestingly, these tend to be the same smells as the original products our forebears used: lavender for laundry and lemon for kitchen cleaners.

A few basic components – either strong acid or alkali – formed the basis of almost all cleaning. “It’s incredible what you can achieve from using cheap, everyday products that are often the major ingredients in modern cleaners anyway,” says Lethbridge. “We’ve made it all rather complicated with a dozen different chemical sprays, for bathrooms, for kitchens, for wooden furniture, for windows, for computer screens, which could be happily replaced by a gallon container of distilled vinegar costing about £3.50 – and all without the synthetic odour of artificial pine. 

For me, cleaning a bathroom using only the juice of a single lemon – and a bit of spit and polish – holds its own particular satisfaction.”


The classic contents of the Victorian cleaning cupboard are just as useful today…

cleaning S MAG

We’re more bothered by a house smelling clean than actually being clean


Our grandparents would have been very familiar with borax, a salt of boric acid. It has incredible whitening and cleaning properties, which were promoted in the 19th century as a miracle all-purpose cleaner.

It has fallen completely out of fashion and named as a “substance of very high concern” by the EU. But you can still buy Borax Substitute, which aficionados say isn’t quite as good as the real thing – but almost (£1.49 for 500g). “It’s essentially a water softener and a fantastic maintainer of whites,” says Lethbridge. “Adding a bit to your wash cuts down the amount of washing powder you need and keeps towels soft without using fabric conditioner.”

You can also leave it soaking in burnt pans overnight, mix with water, lemon juice or vinegar to use as a scouring agent, and as an excellent disinfectant, carpet deodoriser, loo cleaner and shower mould remover.


 “Frankly, if you’re going to buy anything to clean your house, distilled vinegar is it,” says Lethbridge. “It will do the job of expensive limescale removers for about 3p – and do it better. I now use it diluted with water to clean my windows – rubbing with some old newspaper – and to wipe kitchen surfaces as it’s a natural anti-bacterial.”

You can also use it to remove rust, to polish stainless steel and remove limescale from the kettle. Rub it around the seal of your washing machine every couple of weeks to remove the black slime deposited there by liquid detergents. 


Why don’t we all use washing soda or soda crystals? They’re still on sale in supermarkets but usually hidden on the bottom shelf below all the expensive cleaners – possibly because they’re a bargain £1 for a 1kg bag and do the job just as well if not better. Mix some crystals with just a teaspoon of washing powder in your washing machine and you’ll get the same effect as a full dose.

“I’ve used them to clean floors, soak burnt saucepans (as long as they’re not aluminium) keep the washing machine limescale-free and to clean drains,” says Lethbridge. Here’s a deft trick from the 1920s for removing sea-water stains from leather shoes: dissolve a teaspoon of washing soda in two tablespoonfuls of hot milk. Apply to the stain on a cloth and wait for it to dry. Repeat, then polish. 

The importance of cleaning the bed - GMB


In the 19th century, lemon juice (or lemon salts) was used to clean marble surfaces, which were then rubbed with a little vegetable oil to bring up the lustre. Lemon juice removes limescale from granite and its harsher cousin, citric acid, is a powerful cleaner: it will cut through grease, kill bacteria and even unclog drains. Putting citric acid at the bottom of the dishwasher and running on the hot cycle will do wonders for bad odours.


In the early 1900s, damp tea leaves were often sprinkled over rugs to catch the dust and remove smells such as cigarette smoke, then swept up when dry – a kind of very early Shake n’Vac. “Winifred Foley, a housemaid in the 1920s, writes about then going over the rugs with water and deodorising vinegar to restore the faded colour,” says Lethbridge.


Ordinary household salt is great for getting bloodstains out of clothes: soak them in cold, salty water for an hour before washing. You can also add it to the water in a vase of flowers to keep them fresher for longer (it works better than the strange liquids in plastic tubes you get with bouquets).

Lethbridge’s favourite trick is a tip she picked up from a packet of 1927 Wills cigarette cards: to remove water rings from polished wood, put kitchen salt on it then dab on a little methylated spirits and rub briskly. Polish immediately with beeswax polish on a second cloth. “This works every time – just don’t leave the meths on too long.”


Stewed rhubarb is a powerful acidic cleaner that’s excellent for getting rust stains off clothes: just spread the stewed fruit over the stain, leave for a few hours and wash off. It’s also good for removing stains from enamel pans: boil a single stick with its leaf still attached (for the maximum oxalic acid) and leave to simmer for 10 minutes. Just don’t eat the rhubarb afterwards!


To freshen a Thermos flask that has stale, old coffee or soup smells, put crushed eggshells inside and fill with vinegar. Leave to stand for a few hours, empty, rinse well and the odour should have gone.


Freshen up the colour and shine of gilt picture frames by going over them with a soft brush dipped in water in which three or four onions have been boiled for an hour. Victorian household manuals promised that using onion water in this way was also a good way to deter flies and stop them laying eggs on your drawing room pictures.


A servants’ manual from 1850 suggests using gin and water to clean mirrors and bring them up to a high shine. But perhaps that’s a step too far… 

Spit And Polish: Old-Fashioned Ways To Banish Dirt, Dust & Decay (Bloomsbury, £12.99) is out now. See Express Bookshop at expressbookshop.co.uk.

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