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Wattpad: Serialise Your Writing And Build An Audience

Updated Nov 20, 2013, 01:25pm EST
This article is more than 10 years old.

The biggest challenge for all authors and publishers, especially self-publishers, is getting their books noticed by readers. Whilst it’s nice to think that all you need to do is chuck your work up on Amazon, for the vast majority of books, that’s not enough. As I’ve said before, Amazon is not a miracle cure for obscurity, and never will be.

Mailing lists are important, as is social media. But what other tools are available, and how do they work? Over the coming weeks, I’m going to take a look at a variety of different sites that purport to connect writers and readers and see how they stack up.

First under the microscope is Wattpad, which describes itself as “the world’s largest community of readers and writers” and recently celebrated its 7th birthday. Its press release said:

Since 2006 Wattpad has transformed the way the world reads and shares stories by creating a mobile, social experience anyone can access via a phone, tablet or computer. Today, 20 million people spend 4.5 billions minutes a month on Wattpad reading, writing and connecting with each other.

Several authors have found success on Wattpad, for all sorts of different definitions of success. Some writers have benefited from the therapeutic effects of telling their own stories, others have used the platform to support the victims of bullying. And there are many moving stories of how the community has supported people as they struggle with the challenges life has thrown at them.

There are also several authors who’ve found a more material form of success too. Lily Carmine began sharing her novel, The Lost Boys, on Wattpad in February 2010 and it has since become the platform’s most read book, clocking up 33m reads. Encouraged by the support she received there, Lily tried to get herself an agent, but ultimately, her publishing deal with Random House UK came from an editor who’d read her work on Wattpad. Lily now has a deal to publish three books in The Lost Boys series, the first of which has just been published.

Emily Benet is another author who’s found her audience on Wattpad. She posted two chapters per week of her novel Spray Painted Bananas, which has now had 1.3m reads. Emily attracted the attention of the MBA Literary Agency and is currently editing her novel.

So how easy is Wattpad for authors to use? Well, it’s designed for writers who are posting their work chapter by chapter, or who are posting shorts, so the main editing interface is very basic (see image above). You copy and paste your work into a text box, and have only bold and italic options for styling.

If you have a longer piece, you can upload a text file, but you can’t upload, say, an epub file and have the platform automatically split it into chapters. I wouldn’t want to put a full novel up all at once as it would be tedious in the extreme. There’s no preview option, only ‘Save’ and ‘Save & Publish’, but the platform doesn’t allow you to do anything complicated so perhaps that’s not a big loss.

Wattpad combines limited category choices with free text tags to provide a degree of nuance to its categorisation. The categories are mainly concerned with genre fiction, providing no sub-categories for non-fiction, which is very annoying especially if you're a reader. You can also rate your content P, PG, PG-13 or R, and pick a language, though good luck if you’re writing in a minority language.

Advanced options include the chance to pick a licence for your work, such as Creative Commons, which is a nice touch. You can also add in one link to more information about the work, a YouTube link and a photo link.

That’s the full editorial interface, but that’s not the end of the settings. Once you’ve saved your draft or published your book, then you can add a cover. I initially discovered that I could add a cover by opening the story and finding an option to add artwork there, but the easiest way is to visit your list of stories and then ‘edit’ under the cover image on the left. In order to edit your title, add a description or add extra parts to the story, you need to click ‘manage’ on that ‘My Works’ page.

Overall, the workflow in Wattpad really needs some attention. Like many self-publishing tools, it’s unnecessarily confusing and could easily be streamlined with a bit of good user experience design.

What can readers do on Wattpad? Well, they can read, and the number of reads your work gets is displayed the story and on your profile. They can also vote (basic thumbs-up style voting) and leave comments on both your stories and your profile. As with other similar sites, the more reads and votes your story gets, the more visible you’ll be to readers, which means that starting off it’s a real challenge to get any views at all.

I posted one short story, The Lacemaker, and my own chapter about Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer, from A Passion for Science: Stories of Discovery and Invention. The external links include source/medium tracking code, as created by Google’s handy URL builder, so that I can see in my analytics if anyone actually does click through. Of course, I’m giving Wattpad the hardest possible test by just publishing and running, but that’s unavoidable given my current workload.

My initial feeling about Wattpad is that if you are the sort of person who likes to post your works in progress a bit at a time, then it could help build a readership. It’s a potentially powerful way to connect with readers if you have the time to devote to it, but it needs commitment, and the community there might not be right for every author. I’d like to see Wattpad provide demographic and psychographic information about their users, so that it’s easier for authors to assess whether or not Wattpad is the right fit for them.