This story is over 5 years old.


H&M Sucks at "Metal Fashion," But These Independent Brands Deserve Headbangers' Support

For fashion-conscious metalheads, DIY companies like Actual Pain, Cvlt Nation, Toxic Vision, Blackmeans, and Kylla Custom Rock Wear are the way to go.

Photo courtesy of Toxic Vision As was made more apparent than ever by this week's kerfuffle over H&M's hideous new line of faux metal wear, mainstream fashion brands are absolutely garbage at appropriating heavy metal's style (as well as those of multitudinous other cultures). We get it, you know? Heavy metal's aesthetic rules—black leather, studs, spikes, bullet belts, and tight denim look really fucking cool (…usually), and it makes sense that some fashion designers may take some inspiration from that world. Black metal especially gets a lot of attention, thanks to its monochrome palette and oh-so-versatile use of corpsepaint. Fashion and metal have intertwined in interesting and clever ways before (with even punk goddess Vivienne Westwood horning in on the fun), but results vary wildly.