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RICH ELIZABETHAN FROCKING SUIT OF SIR HENRY IRVING The frocking in “Amy Robsart,” a period play written by Miss Rosalie Seddon, of Hamilton, to be produced at the Civic Theatre on Wednesday and Thursday next by a talented cast of amateurs, promises to be a feast of colour and artistry. The Elizabethan theme of the play gives full scope to a blending of colours and richness of dress, seldom seen on the stage in a “straight” production, and full advantage had been taken of this unique opportunity. Amy Robsart, who is portrayed by Miss Rosalie Seddon, wears three extremely lovely gowns, the corsage and sleeves of one being literally encrusted with pearls, wf.iile in another soft pastel shades of brocade, satin and lace are cleverly combined to achieve a handsome effect. It is interesting to note that the costume worn by Mr M. Burdis, who plays the part of “Tressilian,” is a suit originally worn by the famous English actor, Sir Henry Irving, in one of the many parts played by him in the plays of Shakespeare. From England come two posters for advertising purposes, executed by Miss Audrey Seddon, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs R. S. R. Seddon, who, until flhe outbreak of war, was studying commercial art in London, and who is intensely interested in the production of her sister’s play.

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Bibliographic details

Waikato Times, Volume 126, Issue 21116, 18 May 1940, Page 17 (Supplement)

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“AMY ROBSART” Waikato Times, Volume 126, Issue 21116, 18 May 1940, Page 17 (Supplement)

“AMY ROBSART” Waikato Times, Volume 126, Issue 21116, 18 May 1940, Page 17 (Supplement)