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About San Mateo Handyman

San Mateo Handyman has been providing professional handyman services in the San Francisco Bay Area for twenty years. We are skilled in all five of the general building trades, the areas needed to quickly and efficiently complete a remodel or repair project: carpentry, ceramic tile, drywall, jobs hiring near me electrical, and plumbing. We also do landscaping, painting, and repair jobs large or small. We know you are a busy professional who would rather spend time with your family than taking on projects you may or may not complete.

Why Us

  • Reliable: We schedule a time and don’t keep you waiting.
  • Written Estimates: No surprises. We’ll let you know how much it will cost and how long it will take.
  • Professional: Twenty years of customer satisfaction in the greater San Mateo area.
  • Convenient: Combine all your “to-do’s” into just one call.
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