bibliogroup:"Perennial philosophy series" from books.google.com
All of us who eat should count ourselves lucky to have this indispensable book."--Michael Pollan, author ofThe Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World
bibliogroup:"Perennial philosophy series" from books.google.com
This anthology, combining articles by Buddhist, Christian, Islamic, Jewish, and Native American scholar, looks at the environmental crisis through a spiritual lens.
bibliogroup:"Perennial philosophy series" from books.google.com
This beautiful book takes Grinnell's classic work on the Cheyenne Indians andcondenses it into 240 fully illustrated pages of his most essential writings.During his career as editor of "Field & Stream" magazine, Grinnell documentedseveral ...
bibliogroup:"Perennial philosophy series" from books.google.com
This new edition contains 10 sepia photographs from Eastman's life and a thought-provoking foreword by Raymond Wilson.
bibliogroup:"Perennial philosophy series" from books.google.com
All of us who eat should count ourselves lucky to have this indispensable book."--Michael Pollan, author ofThe Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World
bibliogroup:"Perennial philosophy series" from books.google.com
The Way and the Mountain is a selection of Marco Pallis' most important writings on Tibetan Buddhism.
bibliogroup:"Perennial philosophy series" from books.google.com
Known for his discourses on the intellectual and spiritual bankruptcy of the modern world, symbolism, tradition, and the inner or spiritual dimension of religion, this book is a compilation of his most important writings.
bibliogroup:"Perennial philosophy series" from books.google.com
The profound spiritual counsel of the 18th century German Protestant lay theologian, pastor, and mystic Gerhard Tersteegen is presented in this volume in the form of short selections from 100 of his letters.
bibliogroup:"Perennial philosophy series" from books.google.com
Compares and shares insights into the Transcendent Absolute from the spiritual perspectives of three key historical religious figures in Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity, in a reference that focuses on a theme of transcendence and explains ...
bibliogroup:"Perennial philosophy series" from books.google.com
This book offers fascinating insights into the world of the pre-reservation Indians.