subject:"Political Science / World / General" from books.google.com
Now updated with a new afterword, The End of History and the Last Man is a modern classic. Ever since its first publication in 1992, The End of History and the Last Man has provoked controversy and debate.
subject:"Political Science / World / General" from books.google.com
Traces the advent of robotic warfare, revealing its use in the war in Iraq, the latest technological achievements, and the secret Pentagon consultations with top science fiction authors.
subject:"Political Science / World / General" from books.google.com
This second edition brings the collection up to date, including the newest research from the Communist side of the Cold War and the most recent debates on culture, race and intelligence.
subject:"Political Science / World / General" from books.google.com
This book uncovers how human rights gained meaning and power for Americans in the 1940s, the 1970s and today.
subject:"Political Science / World / General" from books.google.com
The author of the bestselling "The Future of Freedom" describes a world in which the U.S. will no longer dominate the global economy. He sees the "rise of the rest" as the great story of our time, and one that will reshape the world.
subject:"Political Science / World / General" from books.google.com
"This is a fresh, comprehensive, and balanced study that anyone interested in the Korean War--and, more broadly, in the development of the global Cold War--will find the need to read.
subject:"Political Science / World / General" from books.google.com
In this book, the first social and cultural history of Japan's construction of Manchuria, Louise Young studies how people at home imagined, experienced, and built the empire that so threatened the world.
subject:"Political Science / World / General" from books.google.com
The Cold War contains a selection of official and unofficial documents which provide a truly multi-faceted account of the entire Cold War era.
subject:"Political Science / World / General" from books.google.com
The Parliament of Man is the first definitive history of the United Nations, from one of America's greatest living historians.Distinguished scholar Paul Kennedy, author of the bestselling The Rise and Fall of Great Powers, gives us a ...
subject:"Political Science / World / General" from books.google.com
No Other Way Out provides a powerful explanation for the emergence of popular revolutionary movements, and the occurrence of actual revolutions, during the Cold War era.