Important Black Sea container port facing impact from Ukraine crisis

If the conflict between Ukraine and Russia escalates, the large container port in Odessa may be blocked by Russia, creating problems for carriers, estimates analyst. German company HHLA, which owns the terminal in Odessa, follows the situation closely, the firm tells ShippingWatch.
Hamburger Hafenund Logistik (HHLA), which owns the large terminal in Hamburg (the photo), also has large terminal investments in Odessa, Ukraine. | Photo: HHLA/HHLA
Hamburger Hafenund Logistik (HHLA), which owns the large terminal in Hamburg (the photo), also has large terminal investments in Odessa, Ukraine. | Photo: HHLA/HHLA

The entrance to Ukraine for roughly one million twenty-foot containers (teu) annually risks being blocked if the tensions between Ukraine and Russia turn into actions of war, assesses shipping analyst Lars Jensen of Vespucci Maritime to ShippingWatch.

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