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Online Marketing Course for Therapists

Get More Clients With Ease & Flow is like the therapist marketing class you never had (and always needed) in grad school.

Online Marketing Course for Therapists

Want a waitlist for your therapy practice?

Yellow accent lines as a metaphor for therapist marketing agency and therapist website design
Yellow accent lines as a metaphor for therapist marketing agency and therapist website design

You’ve worked so hard to get here. Now, you deserve a practice that lights you up. Is there a certain type of person or issue that you love to treat? When you have a steady flow of leads and intake calls, that’s exactly who you get to focus on. 

Fill Your Practice With Ease & Flow is the culmination of 18 years of experience as a therapist business coach. Even though the course is designed to be a DIY experience, if you ever need help along the way, I’m just a phone call away.

Provide solutions, not services.

Here’s the key to success — If you want a full practice, don’t focus on telling people what you “do.” Most people aren’t specifically looking for CBT, somatic, or talk therapy. They just want to feel better and be happy. 

Instead of jargon, give them a path away from their pain and towards their pleasure. For example, did you come to this webpage specifically for an online course? Or, do you really want:

What do you get with this online course?

By boiling down everything I know into video lessons, in-depth workbooks, templates, and more, you get the benefits of 1-1 coaching at a fraction of the cost.
Clare Johnson's testimonial about Websites For Therapists

This online course will teach you how to fill your practice with ease and flow.

Most therapists don’t make the effort to build a foundation first. Then, they wonder why their marketing fails. Don’t make that same mistake.

You’ve already dedicated 3,000 hours to getting your license. Isn’t it worth a little more work to ensure your long-term success?

The course will help you work through common mindset roadblocks that therapists encounter when choosing a dream client, writing copy, creating a website, and doing marketing.

Keep reading to discover the core principals you will learn in Get More Clients With Ease & Flow.


Identify your dream client and niche.

Most therapists resist (or dread) identifying a niche and dream client. “I don’t want to lock myself in.” “If I do that, I won’t get enough clients.” If that sounds familiar, here’s a mindset shift …

Identifying the person you most want to serve does NOT lock you into anything for the rest of your career. It’s more like a set of guidelines to help create a cohesive narrative across everything you do online.

When you try to talk to everyone, you wind up talking to no one at all.

Having clarity helps you create a personal connection on your website. It inspires your copy, design, images, and calls to action. If you don’t have a dream client, your marketing will fail.


Understand the realities of therapist marketing.

The average cost of getting a new client with Google Ads is $400. To get leads for “free,” you need to do SEO … which takes 8-12 months before seeing real results. Plus, unless you have a big budget, it requires a lot of work on your end.

Social media is like a billboard on the side of the road. While it occasionally brings you a new client, it’s mostly there for building relationships over months or years.

How do you get more leads for less money? By centering your marketing and website around your dream client.

Imagine having a series of Google Ads that actually share your dream client’s pain points. Or having the same clarity in your Psychology Today profile that you have on your website. That’s alone makes more people click on your website. Then, all the foundational work you’ve done inspires them to reach out that much faster.

Advertising for therapists

Work past copywriting roadblocks.

Most therapists come to me with a laundry list of limiting beliefs about their ability to write effective copy. We always get through them … because the alternative is to pay a copywriter $350/page.

The course takes my decades of experience as a copywriting coach and boils it down into easy-to-follow trainings, workbooks, templates, and ChatGPT prompts.


Plan your website.

Your idea of a great website is very different than what your dream client wants to see. Just because you can include a page doesn’t mean you should.

The key to a successful therapist website is to only include the pages that are most useful to your dream client. You can always add more later, as your practice evolves.


Turn on the marketing engine.

Sneak peek of my formula — Google Ads and SEO are a must. Social media and Yelp are optional. 

You pick and choose the marketing channels that resonate most with you. Then, you can either go the DIY route or let my team of mental health marketing experts take care of everything for you.


Create a website that turns visitors into clients.

Your dream client is very distracted when they find your website on Google or Psychology Today. That’s why you need to create a personal connection within the first three seconds.

Once you draw them in, your therapist website becomes a safe space away from distractions and your dream client’s desire to disassociate. Create a personal connection, offer a path to change, and inspire them to reach out.

Whether you make your own website or hire a designer, the course will give you everything you need for a seamless design process.

Book a 15-Minute Phone Consult


"27 new clients booked appointments in the first three months after I finished Greg’s program."

“The in-depth work we did together around my core messaging is really paying off. I have more dream clients making appointments – clients I really enjoy working with. My new problem is what to do when I have a full practice and I look forward to having Greg help me with that too.”

🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟
Dr. Magdalen Chen
Founder of Encompassing Therapy

Meet Greg Goodman, Mentor and Expert Business Coach For Therapists

This online course is the culmination of 18 years of experience helping therapists get more clients and fill their caseloads. It’s my way of teaching, sharing, and giving back. I love helping the helpers and find endless fulfillment in seeing YOU thrive.

If you need extra support, I also offer an 8-week coaching container to go through the modules and help you work through any roadblocks that come up. 

As a coach, I excel at harnessing your strengths … and giving you an added push when needed. My approach is compassionate, professional, and includes as much hand-holding as you need.

Reach out today to learn more.

Maya Johansson, LMFT, recommends Goodman Creatives for therapist marketing and websites for therapists


"Greg’s relational intelligence makes him really well suited to the mental health field, which is a rare quality in the marketing world."

“Greg was instrumental in our clinic’s success. He has a niche understanding of our market and has great insight into strategy. He’s also very high-integrity as an individual and I trust him completely in our work together.”

Maya Johansson, LMFT, recommends Goodman Creatives for therapist marketing and websites for therapists

🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟
Maya Johansson, LMFT
Co-Founder of Well Clinic SF

This self-paced online course includes:

therapist marketing testimonial

Who is this online course for?

  • Associates or recently licensed clinicians who want to get started on the right foot
  • Therapists who want a new or redesigned website
  • Practice owners who want their Google Ads to succeed
  • Established therapists looking to transition into a group practice
  • Anyone who needs help filling their caseload now and in the future

This course is NOT a fit for you if:

  • Can’t commit 2-3 hours a week
  • Want a coach to just “do it for you”
  • Don’t want to build a foundation first
  • Are paralyzed by copywriting
  • Lack self-motivation or drive

To succeed, you need to:

  • Have a strong work ethic
  • Be driven and motivated
  • Understand that success takes time
  • Dedicate 2-3 hours per week to the course
  • Work through limiting beliefs about what you “aren’t good at”
  • Let go of the need for perfection

FAQs about Fill Your Caseload With Ease & Flow

Yes! You can go at your own pace and watch each video as many times as you need.

You get lifetime access to the course you purchase AND to all future updates.

It’s ok – everyone gets stuck sooner or later. The question is, how can you move past that? If you need 1-1 help or an accountability buddy, let’s chat!

That completely depends on you. While each module can be completed in just a few hours, everyone goes at their own pace.

Yes! This course will give you all the content and foundational pieces you need to either create a DIY website or hand off the project to the web designer of your choice (me, perhaps?)

Your course includes one 50-minute private coaching call with me, Greg Goodman.

If you need more in-depth support or a compassionate guide to help you through the process, I also offer 1-1 coaching for therapists.

A small sample of the practices I have helped

Reach Out and Ask Me Anything

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Join the waitlist

The next onboarding session of the Profitable Practice Program will be announced shortly.