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How Twitter Ads work

We want to show you ads that you find interesting and useful. Here's an overview of how Twitter Ads work, why you see certain ads, your privacy settings, and other options.

What are Twitter Ads?

You may see different kinds of ads on Twitter, including Promoted Tweets, Promoted Accounts, and Promoted Trends. We may show these ads to you when you are logged in or logged out of Twitter. They are clearly marked with a “Promoted” icon. You can interact with most promoted content in much the same way as organic content. If you follow, like, or Retweet content on Twitter, including promoted content, your followers may see your name associated with that content.

Why you see certain Twitter Ads

Your activity on Twitter, the information you provide to Twitter, and our relationships with ad partners all help make promoted content more relevant for you.

When you use Twitter to follow, Tweet, search, view, or interact with Tweets or Twitter accounts, we may use these actions to customize Twitter Ads for you. For example, if you search for a specific term, we may show you promoted content related to that topic. We also might customize ads using other information about you, such as your profile information; your mobile device location (if location features are turned on); your IP address; or the apps installed on your device. This helps us show you local ads and other ads that you might prefer.

Twitter may also personalize ads based on information that Twitter and our affiliates collect and that our ad partners share with us, such as a hashed email address, a mobile device identifier, or browser-related information (a browser cookie ID).

This helps Twitter display ads about things you’ve already shown interest in from brands and businesses that you may like. For example, you could receive a Promoted Tweet about a deal or promotion from a business whose website you frequent, or email newsletter you subscribe to. You could also see this business as a Promoted Account in one of your "Who to Follow" suggestions. Learn more about your privacy controls for personalized ads.

Managing your privacy settings

We're committed to offering you meaningful privacy choices.

Note: Please confirm that you're logged in if you want to view or change the web settings for your Twitter account. Changing your Twitter settings in your web browser when you are logged out will only affect behavior on that browser while you're not logged in to Twitter. Learn more about how to access your personalization and data settings, including in your Twitter mobile app.

How can I run Twitter Ads?

Eligible accounts can launch campaigns at For more information, visit getting started with Twitter Ads campaigns

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