
Help us defend democracy across Europe and support Ukrainians facing the third winter at war

Dear supporters of the European Exchange,

thank you so much for your interest in our programs, our work for human rights, democratic development, and electoral integrity across Europe. Become an active supporter of democracy and human rights, too!

This Christmas season, we are launching two donation campaigns:

One will support our local Ukrainian partners in fundraising for medical supplies and technical equipment for their colleagues on the frontlines;

The other campaign is one for our work in citizen election observation and electoral integrity.

1. Medical supplies and laptops for Ukrainian soldiers in the third winter at war:

Last year, your generous contributions helped our partner PRAWO provide LED laterns to communities in Vinnytsia, making a significant difference during the winter months. This year, we aim to extend our support.

Your donation will go to our local network partners and will help them purchase medical supplies and other crucially needed technical equipment like laptops for their colleagues and relatives on the frontline. This will bring relief to those who are facing the third winter at war.

Every donation is warmly appreciated and has a direct impact.


2. Support citizen election observation for electoral integrity:

In our work for citizen election observation in Europe and beyond, we are committed to upholding democratic values and electoral integrity, and work tirelessly to promote democracy, electoral reform, and fight biased observation and election meddling.

Your contribution to our work helps empower citizens to actively participate in the democratic process, fostering fair and transparent elections which is crucial in hindsight of the election year 2024.

We are also supporting our partners who are facing pressure by autocratic governments, are held as political prisoners, and stand up for electoral integrity and human rights every day.

How You Can Help:

Make a financial contribution today to support Kyiv Dialogue and our local Ukrainian partners and/or our work on election observation.

Your donation, big or small, brings a positive impact in the lives of people and organizations in our network.

As a recognized non-profit organization (gGmbH) we can provide donation receipts.

Please use the donation mask below indicating the program you would like to support with your donation. 

Thank you for your heartfelt generosity - on behalf of the entire European Exchange team.