subject:"Language policy" from books.google.com
In English with an AccentRosina Lippi-Green examines American attitudes towards language, exposing the way in which language is used to maintain and perpetuate social structures.
subject:"Language policy" from books.google.com
Review text: "The BAAL jury was right: apart from being an excellent introduction to the linguistic situation in the 19th century Habsburg empire, this volume is an inspiring, challenging and highly recommended read for any scholar involved ...
subject:"Language policy" from books.google.com
Explores the cultural and ethnic aspects of the early Soviet era, focusing on the way the Bolsheviks and other groups used language.
subject:"Language policy" from books.google.com
A critical look at language policies, how they are implemented and the hidden agendas which often lie behind them, drawing on examples from the US and UK and showing what the consequences are for the people involved.
subject:"Language policy" from books.google.com
Illustrated with maps and accessibly written this book will interest all those concerned to understand the dynamics of social change in some of the most important countries in the world.
subject:"Language policy" from books.google.com
This book focuses on the cultural processes by which the idea of a Yugoslav nation was developed and on the reasons that this idea ultimately failed to bind the South Slavs into a viable nation and state.
subject:"Language policy" from books.google.com
This shows that multilingusim does not pose for Africans the problems of communication that Europeans imagine and that the mismatch between policy statements and their pragmatic outcomes is a far more serious problem for future development