Unclogging drains with baking soda and vinegar, without using chemicals. Natural Homemade Drain Cleaner is easier than you think and way less expensive.

Did you know that some Feng Shui masters say that clogged drains deplete finances, health, aspirations, travel, clog sinuses, and simply, wreak havoc in general?  I don’t know about you……..but a clogged drain can be rather pesky and annoying, not to mention, rather costly if you have to call in a plumber.

The Best Homemade Drain Cleaner

Check Your Pantry for Natural Homemade Drain Cleaner

So to keep my life running smoothly, both literally and metaphorically, I look in my kitchen pantry for all the ingredients I need to unclog my pipes and I can do it without causing damage to the environment or my pocketbook!

Unclog a drain with Baking Soda and Vinegar

  1. Pour 3/4-1 cup of baking soda in the drain.
  2. Pour 1/2 cup vinegar in the drain and immediately cover the drain (I use a plug or set a plate over it – you want to keep everything inside the drain)
  3. Leave everything to sit and work for about 30 mins (don’t use the sink during this time)
  4. After 30 mins, remove the cover and let hot water run thru the pipes for about 2-3 mins.
  5. for really tough clogs you may need to repeat – but I find if I do this on a regular basis (about once a month) it keeps my drains clear and fresh with out any problems.

Likewise, I do something very similar to keep drains fresh.  Especially good for seldom-used drains.

Freshen Drains with Baking Soda and Vinegar

  1. Mix 1/2 cup baking soda with 1/4 cup table salt and pour down the drain
  2. Follow by pouring 1 cup of heated vinegar down the drain (it will foam and bubble)
  3. Let it sit for 15 minutes
  4. After 15 minutes run hot tap water for 30-60 seconds.

Baking soda and vinegar are the foundation of DIY cleaning!  It’s really that simple.  For just pennies, you can keep your drains and home fume free by using Natural Homemade Drain Cleaner, baking soda and vinegar instead of harsh chemicals or calling the plumber.

This is just one of many ways to save money by using baking soda around your house.  To save even more,  head over to Arm & Hammer’s Savings Center to print out a $0.50 off coupon on your next purchase of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda!

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Disclosure:  This is a sponsored post for Church & Dwight Co., Inc, the maker of ARM & HAMMER branded products, who is compensating me to try different products.  I have used baking soda and vinegar to clean my drains for years!