Homes + Decor

How to Design a Gender-Neutral Nursery

You won’t see any pink or blue here
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Photo: Heidi Lau

Pink for girls, blue for boys. As outdated—and limited—as that color palette may sound, it still tends to rule when it comes to mainstream decorating options for a nursery. But shops and designers are beginning to break with tradition, offering bedding, furnishings, and accessories that are both gender-neutral and sophisticated (we’re not talking about yellow duckies). “Designing nurseries has become my absolute favorite thing to do,” says Jacquelyn Clark of Toronto-based interior design firm and blog Lark & Linen. Using a recent project as inspiration, she offers advice for creating a baby’s room that combines playfulness with adaptability.

Photo: Heidi Lau

Pick your palette carefully
Clark stuck to a palette of grays and whites for a serene space that can be customized over time. “This is a great rule of thumb when it comes to decor in general, but it rings especially true when it comes to designing a gender-neutral nursery,” says Clark. “Try to stick to a semi-neutral base to begin, and then infuse more personal touches when baby makes his or her debut.”

But don’t be afraid of pattern and color
“Adding graphic wallpaper or painting the ceiling a bold hue is a great way to add depth and interest,” says Clark, who used a lighthearted yet sophisticated Cole & Son design here.

Photo: Heidi Lau

Use a light touch
Gone are the days of the floor-to-ceiling themed nursery. Even so, it helps to sprinkle a recurring element throughout the room. “Geometrics, furry friends, or ‘under the water,’ are all sweet and simple ideas that work beautifully for any baby,” says Clark, who added creature comforts here in the form of bunny figurines and a cat-ears hamper. “Keep in mind that when it comes to themes, less is usually more. A few little moments here and there is all you really need to tie the room together.”

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