Top 10: Tips To Project Confidence
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Top 10: Tips To Project Confidence

10 Easy Ways To Project Confidence

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Clothes make the man. If you don’t believe this, think back to that pang of jealousy you felt the last time you saw an impeccably dressed guy walk into the pub and immediately command the attention of the room. You know the type: He looks like a cross between Tom Brady and Daniel Craig, and he walks around like he owns the damn place. If you want to project confidence, you need to stop envying that guy and start being that guy.

Logically, then, our next tip to project confidence concerns upgrading your wardrobe. Ditch the baggy jeans and the oversize suits, and invest in some quality pieces that fit you properly. When you feel good about your appearance, you’ll naturally project confidence. Understand that you don’t have to blow your savings upgrading your entire wardrobe all at once. Start by putting together the pieces for two killer outfits: one for the club, and one for your first date with the girl you’re going to meet at the club.