If you're tired of just throwing your hair into a low pony, try this sexy twist instead with the help of these steps from Dominick Pucciarello, a celebrity stylist at Mizu Salon in NYC.

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1. Apply a thickening product to add texture, and then twist. "First you're going to want to add a little grip to your hair so the twists are full and stay in place, part your hair down the center, and then start twisting your hair on either side of your part, gathering the hair along your hairline until you reach the nape of your neck," Pucciarello says. Loni used Oribe Dry Texture Spray here.

2. Bobby pin the twists into place. This keeps them from unraveling.

3. Create a low ponytail at the nape of your neck to secure the style.

4. Wrap a section of hair around the hair tie. "Take a small section of hair from the underside of the ponytail and wrap it around the elastic band to conceal the hair tie," he says. "Then, spritz your hair with a flexible hold hairspray to finish the look."

Voila! A gorgeous, easy style in seconds.

Photo Credit: Elizabeth Griffin

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Carly Cardellino

Carly Cardellino was the beauty director at Cosmopolitan. If you follow her Instagram, then you know she'll try just about any beauty trend or treatment once (the pics of her purple hair are on IG to prove it). But her favorite part about being in beauty is finding the most effective products, and then sharing that intel with others—because who wants to spend money on stuff that doesn't work? No one, that's who. Her most recent discovery: De La Cruz Sulfur Ointment, which will change your blemish-clearing game! Hopefully through the beauty stories she writes—and the experiences she shares—you can see exactly why she's in this business.