How to avoid dancing like an embarrassing Dad this New Year's Eve: Strictly star KRISTINA RIHANOFF give you her tips about how to survive the party season in style

Christmas and New Year may be a time for fine food, family and friends, but there’s a downside too.Think novelty jumpers, overcooked sprouts...and an epidemic of middle-aged men hitting the dance floor.

Here, the BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing star KRISTINA RIHANOFF offer tips on how survive the party season, and avoid cutting shapes like a ‘bad dad’, with some help from this year’s Strictly partner, former England rugby international Ben Cohen.


Dancing is a great way to socialise but in my experience British men - actually most men - hover on the edge of the dance floor for most of the night and only have the confidence to get up and dance once they’ve had a few drinks.  Alcohol will relax your nerves but it will also make you lose your balance and rhythm and women don’t like dancing with a man who is drunk. And they especially don’t like having to pick him up off the floor when he’s slipped over on the beer he’s spilt.

If you throw a woman around the dance floor in an attempt to look like a sexy Latino, you will look as sophisticated as a cave man and end up putting your back out

If you throw a woman around the dance floor in an attempt to look like a sexy Latino, you will look as sophisticated as a cave man and end up putting your back out

In dancing, it is the man's job to support the woman, not the other way round or you will both end up on the floor

In dancing, it is the man's job to support the woman, not the other way round or you will both end up on the floor

Alcohol will relax your nerves but it will also make you lose your balance and rhythm and women don't like dancing with a man who is drunk

Alcohol will relax your nerves but it will also make you lose your balance and rhythm and women don't like dancing with a man who is drunk


It feels silly at first, but when we first start training for Strictly all our rehearsals are in mirrored rooms. Ben couldn’t stand seeing himself lumbering around the dancefloor - in fact he said it made him look like a gorilla when he stood next to me. But it helps to see how your body moves and where you’re going wrong. Most embarrassing dads dance with their backsides sticking out or their arms flailing around. So actually seeing what you’re doing helps you see where you’re going wrong.”


Women love men who can dance well. It is a confident, manly skill and nothing says gentleman like a man who can ask a woman to dance and lead her properly around the dancefloor. Dancing with a partner doesn’t have to feel staid or old-fashioned. It is sexy and classy.

But don’t rely on a novelty dance  - this means no John Travolta knee slides or the Saturday Night Fever routines. Michael Jackson’s Moonwalk or Mick Jagger’s pouting lips and hand clapping prance are also a no-no. The last 30 years might have passed in a blink of an eye, but as far as your kids are concerned the 1970s are period they study in history lessons. And unless you are MC Hammer, do not attempt the Running Man.

Nothing screams ‘middle-aged man’ louder than dancing round the living room ‘Gangnam Style’.

Nothing says gentleman like a man who can ask a woman to dance and lead her properly around the dancefloor

Nothing says gentleman like a man who can ask a woman to dance and lead her properly around the dancefloor

Don't rely on a novelty dance  - this means no John Travolta knee slides or the Saturday Night Fever routines

Don't rely on a novelty dance - this means no John Travolta knee slides or the Saturday Night Fever routines

Nothing screams 'middle-aged man' louder than dancing round the living room 'Gangnam Style'

Nothing screams 'middle-aged man' louder than dancing round the living room 'Gangnam Style'


You might feel 18 when The Undertones come on. But if you’re a 45-year-old man in cords and a Christmas jumper you are going to look like an embarrassing dad to everyone else. Just like cheap vodka and tattoos, head banging, air guitar and heavy metal are best left to the under 20s. Leave the pogo-ing at home if you’re going to visit friends or neighbours over Christmas.”

Slow dances and ballads are better for dancing with a partner. The music will have more of a set beat you can hear and dance to. You can still have fun dancing but without losing your dignity and the respect of your neighbours - or worse, your children.


Dancing looks easy when you see it on Strictly but if you throw a woman around the dance floor in an attempt to look like a sexy Latino, you will look as sophisticated as a cave man and end up putting your back out. If you are going to attempt a dip - where the woman is tipped backwards, take the weight in your knee and keep your back straight. In dancing, it is the man’s job to support the woman, not the other way round or you will both end up on the floor.

In the run up to Christmas I often teach private lessons to couples and men who’s wive s and girlfriends have bought them dance classes. Try your local dance school for single lessons. Even if you are not a natural mover on the dancefloor, you’ll be suprised how easy it is to pick up a few basic steps which will look great and adapt to any event.”

If you¿re a 45-year-old man in cords and a Christmas jumper you are going to look like an embarrassing dad to everyone else

If you¿re a 45-year-old man in cords and a Christmas jumper you are going to look like an embarrassing dad to everyone else

If you are going to attempt a dip - where the woman is tipped backwards, take the weight in your knee and keep your back straight

If you are going to attempt a dip - where the woman is tipped backwards, take the weight in your knee and keep your back straight

Hold your head up, keep your back straight and throw yourself into it. But most of all enjoy it

Hold your head up, keep your back straight and throw yourself into it. But most of all enjoy it

Even if you are not a natural mover on the dancefloor, it is easy to pick up a few basic steps which will look great

Even if you are not a natural mover on the dancefloor, it is easy to pick up a few basic steps which will look great

Even if you are not a natural mover on the dancefloor, it is easy to pick up a few basic steps which will look great


Dancing is 50 per cent skill and 50 per cent confidence. If you project an air of knowing what you are doing (even if you don’t) you will look infinitely better than the person with their shoulders hunched and staring at the floor. Hold your head up, keep your back straight and throw yourself into it. But most of all enjoy it.


Accept you are not Beyonce. Dancing in a restrained but fun way is far more attractive than Twerking with your neighbour’s teenaged son.

Many women avoid dancing all year then get to Christmas and unleash a year’s worth of moves straight off MTV. It’s also important to dress correctly - High heels and too-tight party dresses make dancing difficult so wear something you can move in without worrying. A mid-height heel, similar to a pair of dance shoes, is far more stable than a sky-scraper stiletto and choose a dress that won’t ride up or with straps that fall off your shoulders. There’s nothing worse than seeing a woman constantly tugging on her hem or falling over in high heels while dancing. And if you’re dancing with a man, let him lead- and do try to avoid stepping on his toes.

  • Kristina and Ben will be starring in the Strictly Live Tour which kicks off on January 17. Tickets are available at

    Kristina’s 2014 calendar is available from her website