Eat your way to healthy skin


The condition of your skin is a good indicator of what is happening to the rest of your body.

Flaky, dry skin, for instance, could show you are eating too few essential fatty acids, contained in certain fish, seeds and nuts.

Loss of suppleness could be due to oxidants - chemicals found in pollution, cigarette smoke, fried food and the effects of the sun which damage the structure of your skin. Dreaded pimples could indicate stress.

Nutritionists claim a few simple changes to your diet could drastically improve the condition of your skin - and hold back the signs of ageing by up to 20 years.

'Your skin is the largest organ in your body - in an adult it weighs around 5kg,' says nutritionist Patrick Holford, author of the new book Solve your Skin Problems.

'If it were stretched out it would be about the size of a double bed.'

'Understanding what causes your skin to lose its glow will make it easier to understand how much its condition is influenced by what you eat and drink,' he says.

Here we look at five skin complaints and how to treat them naturally.

How to maintain elasticity

The suppleness of your skin is down to two components: collagen and elastin. Collagen forms the skin's structure. Elastin is made up of fibrous bands that can lose their elasticity or their natural spring with age or damage.

Loss of elasticity occurs through the ageing process and oxidation. This is the damage caused to the structure of the skin by chemical and environmental factors such as pollution, cigarette smoke, fried food and the effects of the sun when they react with a form of oxygen in the blood. This is why smokers tend to have more saggy skin than non-smokers.

Carbon monoxide contained in cigarettes is known to cut off peripheral circulation - the small blood capillaries that feed the skin. Smoking also stops the body's absorption of vitamin C - an antioxidant which is also an essential ingredient for the growth of new collagen.

The good news is your body can fight the oxidation process with antioxidants. Antioxidants are contained in Vitamin A found in vegetables and fruit such as carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, watermelons and apricots. All these foods contain betacarotene - which is the precursor of vitamin A.

Betacarotene is a good anti-ageing food because it blocks oxidants called free radicals - highly-reactive molecules that may lead to premature ageing and disease.

Patrick Holford believes that by upping your intake of antioxidants, you could slow down the ageing process by one third - or by twenty years.

To promote skin elasticity, do not smoke. Make sure you eat plenty of antioxidants from foods such as carrots, peppers, oranges tomatoes, sweet potatoes, watermelons and apricots.

How to avoid dry skin

If you suffer from itchy, flaky or inflamed skin, the chances are you are eating too few essential fatty acids. Healthy skin should be composed of around 15 per cent essential fatty acids.

Foods that contain essential fatty acids include Omega 3 oils contained in fish such as sardines, mackeral and pilchards.

You can also find essential fatty acids in the Omega 6 fats, which come exlusively from seeds and their oils. The best source of seed oils are hemp, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, walnut and primrose oils.

Omega 6 and Omega 3 essential fatty acids form part of the linoleic acid family. Linoleic acid is converted by the body into prostaglandins - the hormones which keep the blood thin, maintain water balance in the skin and decrease inflammation.

Patrick Holford recommends eating one tablespoon of ground seeds everyday, or a dessert spoon of sesame, sunflower, pumpkin or star flower oil. Alternatively, eat fish such as sardines, mackeral and pilchards three times a week.

How to prevent greasy skin

Greasy skin can be triggered by hormone changes during the menstrual cycle and also by stress. When a person is under stress, the adrenal gland is stimulated into producing more sebum - the oily substance that helps keep the skin soft and free of bacteria. Too much sebum can result in too much oil circulating around the skin.

To combat the effects of stress and hormone changes on greasy skin, Patrick Holford recommends cutting out fried food or saturated fats found in dairy and some red meats. Instead stick to fresh fruit and vegetables, steamed or boiled.

Patrick also recommends eating plenty of foods containing antioxdants to combat any oxidants found in fried food, cigarette smoke and pollution.

These are particularly found in foods such as vitamin C (green leafy vegetables and fruit), vitamin E (seeds, nuts, peas, broad beans and wholegrains) and minerals including zinc.

How to prevent dullness

If the skin appears pale, this could be due to a lack of iron. Nearly eight per cent of women suffer from a lack of iron.

Pale skin means a person is suffering from too little haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is the molecule that carries oxygen in blood. If the blood is not picking up enough oxygen from the lungs for any reason the skin will look slightly blueish.

The richest source of iron comes from red meat, tuna and sardines. The body also has the ability to convert lentils into iron, if you're not a meat eater.

To plump up the skin tissues which will enhance your skin tone, drink plenty of fluid. Nutritionist Catherine Collins of the Institute of Dietetics recommends eight cups of either water, tea, decaffinated coffee, or soup a day. If you work in an air conditioned office, increase this intake to 10-12 cups a day.

How to treat acne

Although teenage acne is caused by hormone changes, adult acne is often linked to stress. When a person is under stress, the adrenal gland is stimulated into producing sebum - the oily substance that keeps the skin moisterised.

Excess sebum can also become oxidised. This is when the oil meets with pollution or chemicals on the surface of the skin. This makes it hard and causes it to clog up the pores of the skin. Once a pore becomes blocked, it can become infected.

You can treat acne from the inside. Deficiencies in essential fats have been linked to acne. These fats are crucial to the skin's cell membranes and regulating hormone imbalances. Clear skin also requires a good supply of zinc. Zinc helps to control inflammation and skin repair.

Take 1000mg of linseed oil - a good source of essential fat - three times a day and/or evening primrose oil. Vitamin B6 is particuarly associated with acne that is linked to a woman's menstrual cycle. Taking 25mg of B6 three times daily can help.

• Solve your skin problems by Natalie Savona and Patrick Holford is published by Piatkus on 29 March, and costs £5.99.

• For a nutritionist, contact the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION) on 020 8877 9993, or visit for a practitioner in your area.