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7 Stylist-Approved Tips for Healthier Hair

Emily Ratajkowski and Olivia Munn's hair stylist shares his most game-changing haircare tips.

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You already trim every six-to-eight weeks and employ the help of a hair mask, so what's left to learn on the path to better hair? According to Christian Wood, the wiz behind Emily Ratajkowski's faux bob and Olivia Munn's infamous chop, there's more. We asked Wood to share his insider hair rules and styling tips for healthier, red carpet-worthy hair.

Sleep on Silk


This tip gives a literal spin on beauty sleep, making eight hours dozing off beneficial to your hair. "I always recommend my clients to sleep on a silk pillow," Wood says. "Damage is caused while sleeping due to the hair being roughed up and tangled. A silk pillow will help give a more slippery surface for the hair and [will] avoid excess friction, resulting in less repeat styling and brushing." 

Slip Embroidered Silk Queen Pillowcase, $80;

The Secret and Cheap Treatment


The secret to Emily Ratajkowski-level hair is hidden at your local drugstore. "The little tubes of conditioner you get in at-home hair coloring boxes are a must for an emergency treatment," Wood reveals. "They contain silicone which leaves a film over the hair creating a super shiny, lustrous effect." He doesn't recommend using this trick daily, but keep one on hand for special events. 

Clairol Nice N Easy Hair Color, $7;

Use a Quick Drying Towel


"To cut styling time I always recommend clients wear a quick dry towel wrap directly after washing," recommends Wood. Anything to help reduce heat application is always a plus, so use this product to "reduce frizz, reduce drying time, and make hair more manageable" while styling. You can try the Turbie Towel (complete with an infamous as-seen-on-TV infomercial), but we also recommend Aquis' cult-favorite turban. 

Aquis Waffle Luxe Hair Turban, $40;

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Dry Shampoo the Right Way


"Everyone uses dry shampoo, but very few apply it properly," he says forebodingly. By now we've read the dangers of everyone's favorite lazy haircare product, but according to Wood, how you use it is key. "Apply thoroughly at the roots then blast [it] out with a dryer," he says. "Most people rub it into the hair and leave it, but you need to remove the product to get rid of excess dirt and oils." The more you know (cue shooting star effect).

Ouai Dry Shampoo Foam, $28;

Dyson Supersonic, $400;

Use This Professional-Touted Brand

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"Dull or brassy color can really effect the overall styling effect, especially under strong lights or on the red carpet," Wood explains. You might not be attending an award show, but to keep your color fresh he recommends the brand loved by pros: Christophe Robin. "They have a wide variety of tones that will keep your color fresh while completely nourishing the hair."

Christophe Robin Shade Variation Care Nutritive Mask with Temporary Coloring, $51;

Christophe Robin Color Fixater Wheat Germ Shampoo, $38;

Christophe Robin Instant Volumizing Mist with Rosewater, $39;

Try A(nother) Miracle Oil

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Coconut oil might reign as the omnipotent, magical elixir, but there's a new oil to try. "If I work with a client two days in a row, I don't always want to re-wash the hair but it still needs to be re-softened and styled again," explains Wood. "I use a simple trick off adding a few drops of almond oil in a water spray bottle and misting through the hair. This helps break down product residue so re-styling is more manageable while also adding softness and shine. Great on next day curly hair when you don't want to wash again but the curls need reforming." 

 Molivera Organics Sweet Almond Oil, $13;

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Meet the Micro Trim

Courtesy of Instagram

If you thought you were bad for skipping a haircut, you're in for a surprise. According to Wood, we should all be up-keeping our hair with what he deems the 'micro trim': "It's not a full hair cut but it's just enough to keep split ends and at bay and adds movement to the hair, resulting in easier styling and manageability." 

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