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5 Reasons You Should Be Using Hair Oils

Updated Dec 2, 2014, 10:02pm EST
This article is more than 9 years old.

It seems counterintuitive: We’ve dedicated our hair regime to avoiding slick strands. But oils are the latest insider beauty favorite—and for good reason. “Every woman would benefit from using oils even just once a week,” says Dove Celebrity Stylist Mark Townsend, who counts Rachel McAdams, Kirsten Dunst, Dakota Johnson, and Mary-Kate, Ashley and Elizabeth Olsen among his many A-list clients. “You’ll see a major difference in your hair.” Townsend dishes on why you should add oils to your routine.

They’re fantastic multitaskers. “I could probably list 20 benefits of using a hair oil,” Townsend says. “They’re a lubricant, so they’re great for detangling wet hair. They are a sealant, so they seal the cuticle down. Oils are a great heat protectant.” Overall, they’re a great hair health booster. “The benefit in most of the oils is all the fatty acids, which replace the lipids in your hair when it starts to get really fine. Right before it splits, that means there’s nothing holding it together, and all those lipids are gone so you need to replace them.”

Application is a cinch. “The most important thing about oils is to make sure they’re distributed evenly, so I tell my clients to section their hair at least in half—a top section and a bottom section,” says Townsend. “Put one drop of any oil in your hands, rub it together, rake it through the hair and evenly comb it through. Then drop your next section and add one more drop.” The thicker your hair, the more drops you’ll need. Those with very coarse strands may need as much as four or five drops per section. Be sure to avoid applying oil near the scalp. “The natural oils from your scalp are the greatest conditioner ever, so you never need to replace those. Apply oil at least three to four inches away from the scalp, but all the way to the ends. The best way to apply it is to start at the ends and work your way up.”

It’s easy to DIY. Townsend makes a conditioner for his clients by combining a cup of coconut oil with a tablespoon each of almond, macadamia, jojoba, and vitamin E oil. He mixes them all in a bowl, then bottles the treatment. “When you’re using all those oils, once it’s absorbed that’s the most that the hair can absorb, so you don’t need to pack it on,” Townsend explains. “Usually when my clients are doing their own hair they overuse a product, so I think oils are the most amazing pre-shampoo treatment. Put it on first, and it’s going to fill in all those gaps in the hair and help all those little areas where you get a lot of tangles.”

You can personalize them. Different oils have different perks, so target them to your needs. “If you have very dry, damaged hair, you want something heavier, like a coconut oil, since dry hair is super absorbent,” Townsend says. “I’ve never found anything more moisturizing for the hair than just straight coconut oil. I even add straight coconut oil to conditioner. Jojoba oil is an amazing lubricant for the hair. Argan oil has the great benefits of leaving the hair soft, silky and smooth—that oil will reflect the light, making your hair look super shiny. The downfall of Argan oil is if you use it daily, it doesn’t rinse away right away. It might take two or three shampoos to get rid of all the residue.”

There’s not just one formula. Still not sold on using oils? Look for it in shampoo, conditioner or styling products to get the perks. “Now that I’ve learned the benefits of oils in such a big way, by adding a drop or two in shampoo you’re combatting how stripping shampoo can be to the scalp by putting a little bit of a lubricant back in there,” Townsend says. “I love working with so many combinations of oils.”