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How To Beat The Retirement Blues

Updated Dec 15, 2020, 03:01pm EST
This article is more than 10 years old.

This is a guest post by Tamar Chansky, a psychologist and author of Freeing Yourself from Anxiety

Many people who look forward to retirement become anxious and depressed when the moment comes. They wonder why they’re not happy — or ecstatic.

Part of the problem stems from dashed expectations. Perhaps you thought you would have more money by the time you reached this point, or you feel daunted by how, even though you may have worked hard to pay off your mortgage, there are still so many places that your money goes each month. Or maybe you just feel lost without a schedule.

Start by understanding that retirement, like any other change, involves a transition. It may not feel good at first. The following simple steps can help you to move from disappointment about some unrealized dream, to feeling happy with what you actually have.

Write your own ticket. As with any stage of life, we can get so distracted by what we think we should be doing to keep up with the Joneses, that we lose sight of what we really want. Instead of trying to replicate someone else's plans, wrestle with the wide-open question of what really matters to you. The temporary discomfort of not knowing is better than realizing, 10 years from now, that you never got around to doing things that were high in your list.

Develop a rhythm. After decades of waking up to an alarm clock, it may feel luxurious to have no particular place to go, but we are creatures of habit. The sudden lack of structure can become exhausting or at least unsettling. Create a mini-work day, if you must, scheduling activities: for example, one hour each for exercise, housework, errands, and social time. Then let the day flow from there.

You have the flexibility to follow the schedule in the morning or in the afternoon. Either way, you have a sense of accomplishment, and will have done things you needed to do. This is important after a full work life.

Resist peer pressure. Remember when you were miserable in college and everyone said, “What's wrong with you? These are supposed to be the happiest days of your life.” Just as those clueless bystanders didn't know what you needed then, they don’t know now either. So don’t feel pressured by the myth of the golden years. Like any other stage of life, there are wonderful things and there are challenges. (See "65 Words On Turning 65.")

Limit worry time. Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, "It takes as much time to worry as it does to plan."  Sure, there are some realistic concerns—like not having enough money or getting sick—but don't confuse worrying about a problem with working on a problem.

Put a time limit on worrying. Compartmentalize it if you must—for example, by making an appointment for five minutes each day to consider the most unpleasant scenarios. Then take more productive steps, like meeting with a financial planner and reading up on health planning options. Attend a senior seminar to learn about important steps to take to protect yourself.

Don't go it alone. Social support is essential for good mental health. Chances are in retirement, you have more time for friendship. (See "Why We Need Friends Of All Ages.") If most of your socializing in the past happened through work, it's time to explore other possibilities: sports, seminars, cooking programs, travel, or the impromptu coffee klatch at your local Starbucks. In the process, you will meet other people who are going through the same thing. Together, you might even find that you can enjoy retirement.

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