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9 Tips for an Efficient Apartment Search

Updated Nov 15, 2014, 07:00am EST
This article is more than 9 years old.

When you're apartment hunting, there are certain amenities that you probably look for, like a dishwasher, an in​-unit washer/dryer or being close to public transportation. That checklist of things means you might have to go see multiple apartments before finding the right one--and renting an apartment can be pricey.

However, if you go about your search in the right way, you can save time and money. Here's how to have the most efficient and effective apartment search:

1. Set a Budget Range

When you see your dream apartment with that spacious living room, beautiful window views and perfect location, it can be easy to overlook the rental price. This is why it's important to set a budget before you even begin your search.

Sit down and figure out what you can afford per month, taking into consideration other expenses like groceries, utilities, gym membership, social activities, etc. When you have a set range in mind, you won't put yourself in the situation of considering an apartment that's way beyond what you can afford.

2. Consider Time of Year

The time of year that you search for an apartment can have an impact on what you end up paying for rent. There may be a bevvy of rentals available during the summer months, but the prices will be much higher because that's the time that many people look for a place.

If time isn't a factor in your search, it may be best to find an apartment during October through December or February through March. When it's cold outside and closer to the holiday season, fewer people are looking to move.

3. Narrow Down Your Search

While it's entirely necessary to visit the apartment you're considering renting, checking out each and every rental you see online can be a waste of your time. The great thing about the Internet is that you can do the majority of your apartment search without even leaving your home. Pick out three or four apartments that are worth the trip; then schedule an in-person visit.

4. Stay Organized

When you’ve looked at several apartments, they can all start to blend together and trying to keep track of all of the details (amenities, rental rates, security deposit amounts, contact information) can get stressful. Do yourself a favor and create a quick spreadsheet.

When you need to get in touch with the landlord to ask a question about something, you'll have the information right where you need it, rather than having to waste time to track it down. On the spreadsheet you can also keep tabs on whether you have looked at the apartment, and any side notes that you may want to remember about the property.

5. Bring Your Roommate(s)

If you're planning on moving in with one, or a few, friends, it's best to bring them along when you go to check out a place. Looking at a rental together will save you a lot of time in your search. After the showing, you can talk about it together and discuss what you like and don't like.

6. Look Into Public Transportation

Even if you do plan on having a car, taking public transportation to work or to run errands can save you a whole lot of money in the long run. When searching for an apartment, consider proximity to public transportation. Saving money on gas, car insurance and maintenance leaves more in your budget to devote to monthly rent and other expenses.

7. Ask About Special Discounts

Depending on the apartments you're considering, there may be certain special offers or move-in discounts you can take advantage of. For instance, some landlords offer your first month free if you decide to sign a longer lease. Even if there aren't any discounts, it never hurts to ask.

8. Discover Average Energy Costs

Before you sign any lease, ask the landlord what the average utility costs are for the apartment. This is an expense that can really sneak up on you, so it's something that's definitely worth looking into.

9. Be Prepared to Negotiate

After you've visited your top three or four apartments, you may want to try negotiating with the landlord of the place you're most heavily considering. When the landlord knows that you have other options available, they may be more willing to work with you on the monthly rent.