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Six Successful Strategies For Adopting A New Habit

Updated Mar 18, 2015, 10:33am EDT
This article is more than 9 years old.

We all know that developing good habits is essential for professional growth. Good habits are essential for personal branding, too. Publishers are peddling lots of advice about establishing productive habits, but only a handful of authors offer realistic approaches. I reached out to one of the best – my friend and colleague Gretchen Rubin – and asked her to share some of her wisdom from her latest book, Better Than Before.

In her fresh approach, Gretchen acknowledges that the same advice won’t work for everyone. This advice mirrors the first step in the personal branding process, which is all about self-awareness – uncovering your brand by understanding who you are. When it comes to habits, understanding your style is part of that self discovery.

In her book, Gretchen presents four categories and helps readers identify which one best resonates with them. In the process of examining the four categories, you’ll also determine how you tend to respond to two types of expectations: outer expectations (a deadline or a “request” from a sweetheart) and inner expectations (write a novel in your free time, keep a New Year’s resolution).

Knowing which of the four categories makes the most sense to you is illuminating, and it helps you adopt the right strategies for successfully establishing a new habit. The four categories are:

  • Upholders - They respond readily to outer and inner expectations
  • Questioners - They question all expectations; they’ll meet an expectation if they think it makes sense
  • Rebels - They resist all expectations, outer and inner alike
  • Obligers  - They meet outer expectations, but struggle to meet self-imposed expectations

How do these apply to personal branding? Successful personal branding requires that you ditch mindsets, habits and behaviors that aren’t working. When you replace them with new, productive habits, you achieve greater success and happiness.

If you want to know which category you fall into, you can take Gretchen’s fun and informative quiz.

The next step – the real secret to forming habits, Gretchen tells me – is to identify those strategies that will work for you based on your type. Her strategies range from finding the right time to begin a new habit to setting up a counterintuitive system of rewards and using the pleasure of treats to strengthen your good habits. In Better Than Before, Gretchen shares the 21 strategies that will allow each of us to find an effective fit.

Here are a few that I find particularly interesting, especially in terms of how they play out in a personal-branding task. Let’s say the new personal branding habit you are looking to establish is being a regular communicator on Twitter so you can increase your visibility and credibility with decision makers. That means tweeting at least once a day. Here are six potential strategies that could help you achieve this. As you read them, see how you feel, and then adopt the ones that feel right:

The strategy of clarity. Know the specific habit you want to form and why. Just saying, “I want to be more visible in social media” won’t work, but saying, “I want to understand Twitter and tweet at least once every day,” has the specificity necessary to make it happen.

The strategy of scheduling. If listing something on your schedule makes you more likely to do it, come up with a specific time of day and enter it into your calendar. Something that can be done at any time never gets done. Decide you are going to tweet every morning when you arrive at work, or during lunch, or at a particular time of day that feels most comfortable to you.

The strategy of convenience. This one is all about making it easy to fit the habit into what you do and the way you do it. We are more likely to do something if it isn’t going to be a major hassle. So use tools like Hootsuite or Buffer App to make your new tweeting habit easier. If tweeting on the go – while you are on the subway or waiting in line at Whole Foods – is easier for you, download the appropriate apps onto your phone and keep them open.

The strategy of a clean slate. This is effective when you have a major life change – like a new job or a new home. For some of us, it is much easier to form habits after a transition. So link your new Twitter habit to a major change. Maybe it will be easier to start Tweeting if you begin when you move to a new office or take on a new role.

The strategy of monitoring. Maintaining momentum is crucial, and the act of keeping track of how often you do something makes you want to do it more. Track your tweets, retweets and other stats to give you the motivation to continue.

The strategy of accountability. This is extremely important for Obligers. Obligers do best when they are accountable to someone else. Find others who want to adopt a regular tweeting habit and schedule meetings or similar systems to keep others informed of your progress.

This is just a sampling of the approaches Gretchen shares in her book, but you can see how the ones that resonate will enhance your ability to form habits – including the habits that will take your personal branding to the next level. Learn even more in Better Than Before.

Follow me on Twitter and check out my latest book, Ditch. Dare. Do! 3D Personal Branding for Executives.