A little color in your cheeks is ideal for most women, but what do you do when the redness is overwhelming? For the 16 million Americans who suffer from rosacea, a chronic skin disorder that primarily affects the face, redness is a frustrating fact of life — sometimes, it can even feel like nobody sees past it. Fortunately, for those who wish to cover up their redness, a little makeup can go a long way.

YouTube makeup artist Sinead Cady posted a tutorial to her channel TheMakeupChair featuring five easy steps to getting rid of redness.

Step 1: Apply primer.

Start with the basics: Apply a primer to your skin to ensure your makeup stays on all day. Plus, it creates a "barrier between your skin and your makeup," says Sinead, "preventing any further irritation."

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2: Pick a tinted concealer.

Use a yellow- or green-tinted concealer to counteract the red tones in your skin.

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3: Apply concealer with a brush.

Add the concealer onto your skin gradually using a large brush to cover a wider area; and so you get the exact amount of coverage you want without going overboard.

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4: Finish with foundation.

Using a brush once again, apply foundation over the concealer for an even finish.

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5: Set with a yellow-toned powder.

Press a yellow-toned setting powder into the skin to keep your makeup in place.

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As Sinead says, "Bye bye, redness!"

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To see the whole technique, watch Sinead's full tutorial in the video below:

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Headshot of Sam Escobar
Sam Escobar

Sam's enthusiasm for makeup is only rivaled by their love of all things relating to cats. In their spare time, they enjoy watching scary movies, putting avocado on everything, and seeing how many shades of the rainbow they can dye their hair before 30.