
Get Daniel Craig's bulletproof Bond cut

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Bond is all about bespoke: from his hand-stitched Tom Ford suits to his custom Crockett & Jones shoes - and that naturally extends to his haircut. Carmelo Guastella, master barber at the South Kensington Club, talks us through how to get Daniel Craig's sharp Spectre hairstyle.

How do I get Daniel Craig's 'Spectre' hairstyle?

"This look is achieved using just scissors and a comb. Point cutting, as it's known, gives more shape, definition and texture.

Clippers are out of the question - this is not a ten-minute job. If I were to cut Daniel Craig's hair, I would leave a bit of length on top to give him the quiff finish that he wears as Bond."

At 47, Craig is lucky to still have his (full) dark blond crop. "Maybe there is some help with some subtle colour," muses Guastella. "At this age you would expect a little grey to show through."

How should I ask my barber to cut it?

"If you want to give specific instructions, ask for the length at the sides to be approximately 1 to 1.5cm (you don't want to show skin) and keep the top a touch longer at 2cm. The cut starts short and detailed around the ears and hairline, gradually left a little longer around the temples to give a bespoke shape. But it does depend on your hair type."

What kind of styling products should I use?

"Towel dry hair or use a hairdryer if you are in a rush. It's always best to style this type of hair when totally dry. Apply a small dab of matt clay styling product in the palm of your hand and apply all over with the tips of your fingers to create some texture to make hair look more alive and less flat. I like a matt finish styling product like D:fi D:struct Molding Cream (£9.95) for the day.

On a practical note, where filming is concerned, a very precise side parting would be ruined by too many stunts. But the longer length on top would allow for a more polished side-parted look, perfect for casinos and black tie dinners, using American Crew's pomade (£13.45)."

How often should I cut it?

"A style like this takes maintenance, I would say every three weeks. Craig also looks freshly-shaved in practically every scene."

The Bond look doesn't end at the hairline

When it comes to aping Bond, remember that it's all about the details. Keep eyebrows well trimmed and nasal and ear hair in check. Craig is predominantly clean-shaven as 007 (and if you want to know the exact details of Bond's preferred shaving equipment throughout the years see here). "Preparation is the most important aspect of any shave," says Guastella, "you also need a sharp blade and a steady hand. I use Floris shaving oil and shaving cream [Ian Fleming was also a big fan of Floris], applied with a traditional brush. I also recommend

Dermalogica Skin Smoothing Cream (£48 for 100ml) as aftershave care to take out any roughness."

Don't let the 007 lifestyle show in your face

Death matches with hit men, zipping between time zones and those omnipresent cocktails: it would all take its toll on the skin of a real life Mr. Bond. So if you have been burning the candle at both ends, Guastella recommends bi-monthly professional facials to help repair the damage. GQ goes to Su-Man, renowned facialist at the W Hotel London. Su-Man uses a very strong massage technique and a pure coffee scrub to return our skin to tip-top condition - her facial is like an espresso for your face.

As Bond, Craig often finds himself on a mission in tropical locales, but if you aren't headed to Miami or the Bahamas (Casino Royale) any time soon, just cheat.

Apply James Read's idiot-proof Sleep Mask Tan Face before bed and wake up with that discreet I've-just-flown-in-from-Nassau look (£25,

To book an appointment with Carmelo Guastella call +44 (0) 203 006 6868.;