Exactly How Often You Should Wash Your Clothes

If you’re like most humans, you’re going to do some laundry this weekend, and with any luck you’re washing the stuff that needs to be washed but not overdoing it, either. With the layering season in full swing, now’s not a bad time to brush up on those stats. You want to be a man who smells of fresh laundry but also like himself, and who doesn’t spend too much money on dry cleaning. This will help you realize those dreams.

Your Workout Clothes
Cotton T-shirts, shorts, socks, and anything else that gets soaked in sweat should get washed after every wear, but if your sport of choice is more low impact (sup, yogis) or if the garment is made from a performance fabric like water-resistant nylon, you can stretch it to every few wears. Don’t forget to wash your gym bag once a month as well—it’ll surely need it.

Your Office Clothes
Your suit can last for about four to five wears before it needs to go to the dry cleaner. Always drop off all coordinating pieces so everything wears at the same speed. Your button-down shirts can last for three to four wears, especially if you’re an undershirt guy. Shirts don’t always need to go to the dry cleaner, but if line-drying and hand-ironing them is too daunting a task, we sympathize. Just ask your dry cleaner to skip the starch so they last longer.

Your Off-Duty Clothes
Pants and sweaters are the workhorses of your wardrobe—they can stand about five wears before they need to go in the wash. T-shirts and Henleys are good for one to two wears, depending on how much you sweat. Jeans can go a whole season without needing a wash—but do wash them occasionally. Stinky jeans are not good for business.

Your Winter Gear
Most jackets and coats should be laundered once a season, but if you live in a city, spend a lot of time outdoors, or are wearing it every day, a mid-season rinse might be in order. Down, wool, and canvas coats don’t always need to be professionally laundered, but leather and suede should be handled by a pro. Don’t forget to wash winter hats, scarves, and gloves about once a month during the cold season. Just think of how many places they’ve been, and you’ll understand the need.

Your Private Stuff
We know we don’t need to tell you to wash your underwear, socks, and undershirt after every wear—this is non-negotiable stuff. Pajamas can withstand up to four wears, and robes are about the same, as they should be treated like towels and switched out every week at least. Oh, and while we have you, wash your sheets on a weekly basis as well. There’s no point in diligently washing your clothes if you’re sleeping in dirty sheets at the end of the day.