The media often focuses much of it’s attention on the buying and selling of private islands. However, what many people fail to realize is that there are literally hundreds, perhaps thousands of islands available for rent around the world. Fox News recently published an excellent article highlighting the experiences of a number of former island renters. Here is an excerpt from the article:

About five years ago travel writer Joshua Berman and his wife capped their honeymoon by renting a private island, French Louie Caye, off the Placencia Peninsula in Belize.

He recalls that “it was an incredible experience watching that boat pull away and knowing we were all alone,” which they were for a night and the following day, though they also enjoyed a little non-human companionship. “We had two dogs and a fridge stocked with shrimp and fish in a small wooden cabin. We could see a few other islands in the distance, but otherwise, it felt like the Caribbean was all ours. We cooked our own meals, snorkeled the coral around the island, and sat in the sand watching the dogs chase crabs back into the water.”