Try This At-Home Triceps Workout with Weights for Super Strong Arms

Having tricep fat is NBD, but if you want to see more definition, try this at-home triceps workout with weights to build muscle.

a person doing a triceps extension as part of a triceps workout with weights
Photo: Watchara Piriyaputtanapun/Getty

Good news if you're wondering how to strengthen your arms: It doesn't require pumping major iron. Fitting in an occasional triceps workout with weights can go a long way. As the largest muscles in your arms, the triceps are responsible for the most upper-body definition and small, targeted movements can make a big difference.

With this targeted triceps workout (demonstrated by NYC-based trainer Janeil Mason), you'll not only feel your triceps working, but you'll also strengthen your core. Plus, there's a cardio finisher at the end of each set to get your heart rate up. And while having tricep fat isn't something to stress about, if you're after muscle definition, this workout can help.

How it works: Three days a week, do three sets of the prescribed number of reps for each exercise (including the cardio interval!). Focus on using proper form, and don't worry about completing the exercises at a quick pace.

You'll need: A set of lightweight dumbbells

01 of 06

Triceps Lift

fitness trainer Janeil Mason demonstrating how to do a triceps lift as part of a triceps workout with weights
Peter Ardito

A. Grab a dumbbell with left hand and stand in a split stance with right foot forward.

B. Bend right knee and lower torso until parallel to the ground. Keep back leg straight and shoulders facing forward.

C. Lift left arm to shoulder height, pointing the weight up toward the ceiling.

D. Pulse left arm one inch up and down, keeping arm as straight as possible.

Do 25 pulses. Switch sides; repeat.

02 of 06

Triceps Push-Up

fitness trainer Janeil Mason demonstrating how to do a triceps push-up as part of a triceps workout with weights
Peter Ardito

A. Start in a push-up position, placing hands directly below shoulders and feet hips-width apart.

B. Keeping elbows pointed back and as close to sides as possible, slowly lower body to the ground. (If this is too challenging, modify by dropping down to knees.)

C. Once chest touches the floor, press back up and straighten arms to return to starting position. Be sure to keep core and legs engaged for the entire movement.

Do 10 reps.

03 of 06

Triceps Extension

fitness trainer Janeil Mason demonstrating how to do a triceps extension as part of a triceps workout with weights
Peter Ardito

A. Hold one dumbbell overhead with both hands.

B. Draw shoulders down and back and engage core. Then, keeping elbows pointed forward, bend elbows and allow the weight to lower down back.

C. Extend arms to bring the weight back overhead to return to starting position. Keep core and glutes engaged for the entire movement.

Do 20 reps.

04 of 06

Side Plank with Dumbbell Raise

fitness trainer Janeil Mason demonstrating how to do a side plank with dumbbell raise as part of a triceps workout with weights
Peter Ardito

A. Grab a dumbbell with right hand and come into a side plank with left elbow directly below shoulder, feet stacked.

B. Raise hips off the ground so that body forms a straight line from ankles to shoulders.

C. Keeping hips lifted and chest raised, extend right arm straight out and directly above shoulder, still holding the dumbbell.

D. Lower right arm back down until it's parallel to the ground, keeping arm straight.

Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

05 of 06

Triceps Lateral Lift

fitness trainer Janeil Mason demonstrating how to do a triceps lateral lift as part of a triceps workout with weights
Peter Ardito

A. Grab a dumbbell with left hand and stand in a split stance with right foot forward.

B. Bend right knee and lower torso until it's parallel to the ground. Keep back leg straight and shoulders squared to the front.

C. Lift left arm behind body up to shoulder height, palm facing the floor. Squeeze entire arm in toward body.

Do 25 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

06 of 06

60-Second Cardio Blast

fitness trainer Janeil Mason doing jumping jacks as an example cardio blast during a triceps workout with weights
Peter Ardito

Pick your poison: Do jumping jacks, jump rope, or burpees as fast as possible for one minute.

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