Your Complete Guide to Getting Your Life Together

Consider this a spring cleaning of sorts.
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Photo by Jason Kibbler

Just because you were born a scatter-brained person doesn't mean you have to be one forever! With a little bit of scheduling, some tried-and-true tricks, and a dash of patience, you'll be on your way to having your home (and life!) as organized as a Pinterest board. Here's how to get your dreams, goals, and even those loose hair ties in line.

Write everything down.

Classes, work, your social life, the million other things you've got going on—it can all be too much for your memory to keep track of alone. While physical planners and notebooks are nice, digital tools can't get lost! Definitely utilize Google Calendar or iCal for scheduling, and consider using GoogleDocs (which you can separate into folders!) or a program like Evernote to keep all your ideas and reminders in one convenient place. Need some convincing? Evernote is an app that lets you create different digital notebooks filled with to-do lists, high-quality photographs, and screenshots straight from the web. With a couple of clicks, your history class notes and that fishtail braid tutorial can live in the same place, and because it's one big personal cloud, you can access it from anywhere, even if you lose your phone.

Make your workspace distraction-proof. (And pretty.)

Being Type A is all about efficiency, and having a sleek setup makes focusing that much easier. Trust us: Sitting down to a pristine desk will make churning out that psych paper a (relative) breeze. Embrace tiny touches, like a pretty candle or your favorite magazine editorial slid into an inexpensive frame. Invest in flowers before exam time—they have a calming effect!—and look to sites like The Selby and The Coveteur for desk-spiration. (Our current favorite workspace comes courtesy of A Piece Of Toast, whose simple setup is totally attainable and easy to copy.) So stack your textbooks, organize your knickknacks, keep your supplies in a pretty container, and nab some bright Post-Its for pops of color—it's only a matter of time before you find yourself actually looking forward to finals.

Do it on the cheap!

You know that old saying, "A place for everything, and everything in its place?" Well, it's completely true, but thankfully you don't need to blow your whole paycheck at The Container Store to get it done. Decorate shoebos with homemade labels to organize larger items, repurpose clean jars and cans for beauty brushes or hair accessories, and use old glass bottles and gift bos as bracelet holders. It doesn't matter how you do it—as long as there's a place where those stray socks should go, these tricks will help them get to the right spot.

Just give it 10 minutes.

Set a timer on your phone and do a quick sweep of your room each morning: Make the bed, toss your shoes into the closet, and put your makeup back into drawers. Put on your favorite few songs—the time will fly when you're rocking out!—and do whatever you can in 10 minutes. It's short and sweet, but a whirlwind-style clean will give your space a fighting chance at staying organized day in and day out. You should also employ this tactic when it comes to your digital life: Give yourself 10 minutes every night to organize your inbox, update your calendar, and make sure everything else is order for tomorrow.

Embrace imperfection.

Seriously! Don't beat yourself up if your desk gets unruly or a hectic week leads to a pile of clothes on the floor. If you have no clue how to organize the little things (discount cards, paper clips, ticket stubs), establish a junk drawer that can hold it all. If you go through a million outfit changes in the morning, use an oversized fabric basket to corral your discarded sweaters and jeans until you're able to hang them back up in your closet. By accepting a certain level of organized chaos, you'll be able to thrive without getting down on yourself about not being Martha Stewart-levels of together.