20 Perfect Pancake Toppings

20 Perfect Pancake Toppings Ideas – a list of healthy sweet and savory topping foods (other than syrup) that are perfect for a pancake bar or lazy morning pancakes.

Pancake Toppings Ideas

In this post you’ll discover 20 delicious pancake topping ideas that are perfect for either an indulgent pancake bar or a lazy weekend breakfast.

You’ll see that there’s plenty to choose from with both sweet and savory toppings ideas.

1. Fresh Fruit – chopped bananas, strawberries, citrus zest/juice. For example, the below Grain Free Berry Pancakes have berries cooked into the pancakes as well as a topping of raspberries.

2. Cream – you could drizzle over a little pouring cream or place a generous dollop of double/thick cream on top of pancakes for an indulgent treat.

For example these Chocolate Fudge Brownie Pancakes are topped with a dollop of double cream and chocolate chips.

3. Sour Cream – a quick topping for when you’re wanting savory pancakes.

4. Honey – my kids love pancakes topped with honey. (where to find honey) For example these cashew pancakes are topped with a drizzle of honey.

5. Maple Syrup – while the kids LOVE honey, maple syrup is my sweet pancake topping of choice. (where to find maple syrup)

6. Cinnamon – cinnamon is rich in anti-oxidants and delicious on sweet pancakes. (where to find cinnamon)

7. Custard
– my Husband’s favorite pancake topping is creamy custard.

8. Lemon Curd – perfect to balance the sweetness of ultra sweet pancakes.

Chocolate pancakes

9. Chocolate – chips, shards, grated, sauce, homemade nutella, any chocolate variation is a yummy, perfect pancake topping. (where to find chocolate chips)

10. Caramel Sauce – for an occasional treat top pancakes with caramel sauce for a truly indulgent experience.

11. Ricotta or other soft cheese – pancakes topped with ricotta transforms the dish into cheesecake pancakes.

These Cheescake Pancakes have ricotta cooked into the pancakes and taste like a decadent cheesecake.

12. Parmesan – delicious on savory pancakes.

13. Butter – a classic and simple pancake topping which brings to life ordinary pancakes.

14. Jam – topping pancakes with a sweet jam is a treat which my kids simply adore! They particularly enjoy my Rhubarb Jam.

Pancake Toppings Ideas - easy healthy sweet and savory options

15. Ice Cream – a popular pancake topping which is an indulgent treat.

16. Nuts – such as flaked or slivered almonds can give a crunchy texture to pancakes.

For example these fluffy almond pancakes are topped with slivered almonds.

17.  Shredded Coconut – a sprinkling of shredded coconut is a wonderful way to bring extra coconut flavor to coconut pancakes. (where to find shredded coconut)

18. Mint or other herb – like on these mint choc chip pancakes.

19. Yoghurt – plain natural yoghurt can balance the sweetness of pancakes really well.

20. Dried Fruit – finely chopped sultanas, figs, apricots or other dried fruit is a popular favorite sweet pancake topping with my kids.

If you like these pancake toppings, then you will love these 2 Ingredient Banana Pancakes on my YouTube Channel:

Pancake Recipes

Easy Pancake Recipes Ideas For Toppings

Since publishing this list of pancake toppings ideas, I’ve shared a number of super easy pancake recipes to choose from:

2 Ingredient Banana Pancakes

2 Ingredient Coconut Flour Pancakes

Chocolate Pancakes

Coconut Flour Banana Pancakes

Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes

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