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(Closed) Lighting for an Outdoor Reception – No Tent, No Trees

posted 12 years ago in Decor
Post # 4
982 posts
Busy bee

Sorry, I don’t really have any suggestions, but if youhabit having a tent, what are you doinit if it rains?

Post # 5
55 posts
Worker bee

Maybe you could put up some poles around the perimeter of the reception or the dance floor (if you’re having one) and string lights from those? Something like this, but on a larger scale:

Post # 6
1377 posts
Bumble bee

Just wanted to say Happypup’s idea is brilliant!

Post # 7
1375 posts
Bumble bee

I agree with the poles. You can also add light through your centerpieces. Consider using mirrors to reflect and enhance light that you put up. Maybe do candle centerpieces? They are so gorgeous and add lots of light. Or add floating candles. You could do those LED lights in te bottom of centerpieces too.

What is your location backup in case of inclement weather? Want to make sure any ideas I give could be transferred there so you don’t have to have two separate decor plans.

Post # 8
1849 posts
Buzzing bee

what about lanterns? they could be hung on poles in the ground, and be kerosene or have big pillar candles. woule be much more romantice than work lights. you can also buy uv lights that stick into the ground, they charge by sunlight in the day and then glow at night, no electricity needed!

you could even buy like 50 tiki torches from the dollar store and line them up 🙂

Post # 14
128 posts
Blushing bee

I held onto the idea of an outdoor tent-less reception as well, but eventually let go of it because Ohio weather is so unpredictable.

Here are some outdoor lighting ideas:

You could use icicle lights and poles to acheive this! (plus good ole mason jars or lanterns.

Pretty way to light paths or the perimeter!

Note the pole/lantern system on top

Similar idea.  Photos like this is what made me fall in love with the idea of an outdoor reception!

The link said they just used regular camping lanterns underneath the tablecloths- great if you have cocktail areas or like cake/card tables.

If you need to opt for tents, but don’t want to let go of your “open” feel- this seems like a good compromise!

Making “balls of light”: http://www.savorncmagazine.com/blog/christmas-balls-light-up-plaza-midwood-in-charlotte/

Affordable “uplighting” tutorial: http://diy.weddingbee.com/topic/uplighting-on-the-super-cheap


Good luck!!

Post # 15
3631 posts
Sugar bee

We just were at an outdoor wedding with no tent and they had poles with lights on them. They had them set in pretty buckets with concrete in them. It was plenty bright!

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