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How to Get Certified in Botox Injections

How to Get Certified in Botox InjectionsBotox is the country’s leading noninvasive cosmetic treatment.

Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over a decade ago, Botox is designed to erase fine lines and wrinkles to create a more youthful appearance.

Millions of people receive Botox treatments each year, but despite what you may have heard not everyone can administer Botox injections.

In order to legally administer Botox in the United States, you must meet certain requirements and attend a certified Botox training course.

How to Get Certified in Botox Injections

In the steps below, we outline how to get certified in Botox injections:

1. Meet the Requirements

If you are not a physician, nurse or medical professional, you cannot administer Botox. You will need to need to provide your active medical license upon enrolling in a Botox training course, which brings us to step 2.

2. Enroll in a Botox Certification Course

There are many Botox and dermal filler training courses out there. However, you’re going to want to find one that is reputable, accredited and meets all the proper requirements. It’s also best to seek out a Botox course that has expert professionals with many years of experience teaching your classes.

Another thing to keep in mind is hands-on training. Although classroom (didactic) education teaches you a lot, it’s important to choose a course that also provides you with clinicals. This will help you become comfortable with the Botox and dermal filler injection process. There are also many esthetic schools that offer medical professionals CE/CME credits once you’ve completed training.

3. Attend Botox Training & Earn Your Botox Certification

It’s normal for medical aesthetic schools to ask for a deposit upon enrolling in Botox injection training. Once you’ve done that, you’re ready to attend.

Once you’ve completed your Botox training course, you’ve earned your Botox certification. There are states that require PAs and RNs to inject Botox under the supervision of a physician. Otherwise, as long as you’ve met your state-required training hours, you are good to offer Botox treatments to clients in a professional, clinical setting.

Learn How to Inject Botox at National Laser Institute

National Laser Institute is the leading medical aesthetics school in the country that offers cosmetic laser, Botox and cosmetic injectable certification. Courses range from as little as one weekend to a 2-week course.

Botox training with National Laser Institute includes learning from industry experts (nurses, physicians and other professionals in this field), hands-on training in a luxury medical spa and CE/CME credits upon course completion.

National Laser Institute also provides access to our online medical esthetic library for further information and resources once you complete your course.

By the end of the course, you will feel comfortable and confident performing a variety of cosmetic treatments, including:

  • Botox
  • Dermal fillers
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
  • Sclerotherapy
  • PDO Threads
  • Kybella
  • And more!


To learn more about National Laser Institute’s Botox Training courses, simply fill out the form on your right or give us a call at 800-982-6817.
