Fuchsia (Fuchsia)-Aphid

Includes potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae)

Pest description and damage Several species of aphid may infest fuchsia. The aphids feed initially on the shoot tips, which can cause stunting and malformation of the tips. The feeding and honeydew production can cause sooty mold problems. Aphids tend to be small (.0625 to 0.125 inch in length), oval to pear-shaped, soft-bodied insects with piercing-sucking mouthparts. Color varies, but most aphids tend to match host plant coloration. Aphids tend to feed in colonies and are found on the most succulent plant tissues. When aphid populations are high, damage can be severe. Aphids produce honeydew, a sweet, sticky secretion that collects on underlying plant tissues and encourages growth of a black sooty mold. In addition to cosmetics, honeydew may become a sticky nuisance when it falls on decks, cars, or other landscape surfaces.

For biology, life history, monitoring and management

See "Aphid" in:

Management-chemical control

See Table 1 in: