Be Readable

Readable is an online toolkit that helps writers improve their readability and bring their audience closer.

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Your readability toolkit

Powerful, flexible readability tools that work where you work.

Unrivalled Readability Scores

Find the most accurate scores for formulas such as Flesch-Kincaid and SMOG, as well as our own bespoke readability algorithm.

Read more about the scores that power Readable »

Actionable Insight

Readable is packed full of features you won't find anywhere else. Hone your content for clarity and engagement to captivate your audience.

Find out more about Readable's writing style features »

For Everyone

Whoever your audience or whatever your medium, Readable's user-friendly editor is suitable for all kinds of writers.

Find out how Readable can work for you »

3,000+ authors, marketers, and educators trust us to deliver accurate readability analysis.

Harvard University
Princeton University
American Red Cross

Discover the Power of Readability

Be understood

Grow your audience with clear, readable content.

85% of people can understand your content if it is a Readable grade A.

Clarity Features »

Make an impact

Attract new customers with crisp, dynamic content.

57% of customers are more likely to recommend you if they feel emotionally connected to your brand.

Impact Features »

Build loyalty

Retain customers with direct, trustworthy content.

Readability builds customer trust. 81% of consumers said trust is essential in a buying decision.

Audience Connection features »

Readability Tools

Document Readability

Improve your document readability and connect with your readers.

ContentPro helps you to produce clear, compelling content, helping you to engage with your audience.

Website Readability

Improve your website readability and lift conversions.

CommercePro is a suite of tools with a unique algorithm. The results give you actionable steps to optimise your website for readability.

Readability API

Integrate readability into your workflow and increase efficiency.

The Readability API on AgencyPro easily integrates into your website, CMS, product or service. Bring quality readability scores into your business.

What our happy customers say

Anna Bolton
Anna Bolton
Conversion Copy Co.


I use Readable to match my copy with my audience's reading level.

It's one of my top conversion optimization tools! "

Candi Williams
Candi Williams
Content Strategist
Nationwide Digital


Fact: good readability is good for everyone.

What Readable does is make it measurable. It makes readability tangible and gives the entire organisation something they can gather around. "

Our promise to you

We are dedicated to providing the most comprehensive readability tools.

Accurate. Our scores are backed up by established readability algorithms and verified by over 10,000 automated tests and hand-calculated scores. You can be confident in your results.

Fresh. Our leading-edge readability checker is up to date with changes in standards. You can be sure your feedback is current and reflects real-world reading behaviour.

Here for you. We support your writing goals with our helpful resources and outstanding customer service.

Who's Readable for?

People and companies who want to make their content easy to read and understand.

Readable is used across all sectors and professions by people who value clarity and transparency in their business practice.

What is a readability score?

A readability score can tell you the level of education someone needs to easily read a piece of text. The score identifies a Grade Level relative to the number of years of education a person has. Read more about readability scores.

What is readability?

Readability is a measure of how easy a piece of text is to read. Read more about readability.

What is a good readability Score?

A Grade Level of 8 or lower is good for text aimed at the public. 85% of the public will be able to read and understand your content at Grade Level 8. Read more about readability scores.

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