


Hey there frends-

I know a lot of you out there are struggling to acquire binders, and while you’re waiting to get one you might need an alternative. Ace bandages can be pretty hazardous to your health, so I thought I’d share my binding method with you. It came about out of necessity (I’m not in a position where I can buy myself a commercial binder,) but it’s comfortable and works great. I use it everyday and pass so well, at this point I’m not even looking into commercial binders anymore. 

Hope this helps some of you. 

ok but like you could reblog things like this for your transboy followers who may not be able to afford to buy a binder so that they can pass as male . … …….

Holy shit you are an absolute god

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  7. justalunaticfangirl reblogged this from a-wondering-thought and added:
    reblogging in case it helps anyone
  8. a-wondering-thought reblogged this from ray-of-the-abyss and added:
    i have yet to try this but hopefully it wil help and might help some mutuals too
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