Asked by Anonymous
(Semi-urgent) Is it safe to bind while playing my clarinet? I am using double sports bras and I am playing for about an hour a day.

Lee says:

Can I bind while doing x?


  • On a plane
  • At school
  • Doing normal routine stuff that won’t raise your heart rate
  • While smoking or vaping
  • While taking a walk or light bike ride


  • While playing an instrument that requires breath
  • While singing (singing in the car is okay, choral singing or any singing where you need good breath control is not)
  • While exercising
  • While moshing/screaming/dancing at a concert
  • While sleeping
  • While swimming (unless you have a specific swimming binder)
  • On roller coasters/thrill rides
  • While getting a first tattoo
  • When you’re sick (if you’re coughing or having a hard time breathing)
  • During marching band
  • During gym class
  • When you’re visiting somewhere that is much hotter than temperatures that you are used to (vacations)
  • When you have a chest/torso injury, are recovering from improper binding, etc.

What are the general safety rules of binding?

  • Don’t sleeping with your binder on at night
  • Don’t do any vigorous exercising in a binder- no things that get your heartrate up and make you breathe heavily and sweat
  • Don’t bind for more than 12 hours maximum, 8 hours to be safer
  • Take breaks if possible
  • Break in a binder - don’t go straight to 8 hours of use
  • Never bind too small, use the right size (if between sizes, go up)
  • Never use ACE bandages or tape
  • Take it off if you’re experiencing pain
  • Don’t bind when you’re sick with a cough
  • Do not double bind! Don’t wear a binder and another binder on top, or a binder and a compression sports bra. Two sports bras are okay though.
  • Binding with two sports bras is still binding, and the same rules about wearing a binder apply to sports bra binding!
  1. everyday-is-brighter-with-you reblogged this from transgenderteensurvivalguide
  2. planxtydavis-108 said: i dont play clarinet but I bind while playing tenor sax and flute and I find it fine
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