How to Pull Off a Visor Without Looking Like an Old-Lady Tourist

Visors make me think of three things: Old-timey blackjack dealers, old-lady tourists, and tennis players. And sure, they used to be the fanny pack of headwear: purely utilitarian and practical, with zero aesthetic function. But the modern visor (as seen on the Marc by Marc Jacobs and Marni runways) is entirely new and—if I may—chic. I spoke to hairstylist James Pecis for his advice on how to wear a visor this summer—and why you'll want to.

Why do you think this trend is making a comeback? "It has the benefits of a hat, like protection from the damage of the sun, without hiding your hair. Think more yacht than tennis court."

What's the best way to style your hair with a visor? "The visor is a functional accessory. It will shade you from the sun while holding your hair in place. A braid, a ponytail, down and sleek, or a messy chignon all work. A ponytail is more sporty, while wearing your hair down is more elegant."

What are your tips for avoiding visor-head, in case you want to take it off later in the day? "The best way to keep hair dents away is to keep the visor loose. If you pull your hair back in a high ponytail or chignon, you're less likely to get the marks when you take it off and let your hair down."

Any other tips for making it look chic? "It's nice to have the visor go across your forehead so there is space between your hair and the visor. That's the modern way to wear it."


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