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Can I move into another family members home at age 16?

Hello, I am 16 years old in Minnesota, I live with my two parents and my two brothers. I have not been getting along with any of my family members at all for the past year and a half. My parents are always finding things to yell at me about, honestly it's every single day, we try to sit down and have a conversation to figure things out, but it NEVER works, everything just goes back to the way it was. They have me grounded right now, and I have been grounded through my whole entire school year because of my grades, my grades have been bad because of the stress i'm going through with my parents. They both call me names, tell me they don't want a daughter like me, continuous verbally abusing me, nothing ever works. Can I live with my aunt? I feel I will be more successful. Please help ASAP.

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