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7 Best Beard Balms Worthy Of Your Beard: Reviewed

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best beard balm
In a hurry? Here are our top picks:
BEST VERSATILE BALM Beardbrand Utility Balm


Let’s face it! Rocking a beard has become a trend in our days. Not only does it look manly, but it also gives confidence in an era that is full of stress and difficulties.

If you have a beard, then you definitely understand how important it is to take care of it – keeping it looking tamed and healthy.

But if you are reading this article, I am sure you know that using one of the best beard balms will help you achieve that and probably searching to buy one.

Well, you are in luck!

We are going to discuss what you should look for when purchasing a beard balm, review the 7 best beard balms in our opinion, discuss the differences between beard oil, balm, and wax, and proceed with an illustrated guide on how to apply it correctly. Basically everything you need to know about beard balm is in this article.

Let’s get started.

Quick summary

bb2-table__image Honest Amish Beard Balm
  • All-natural ingredients
  • Reduces beardruff
  • Conditions and eliminates itching
Check on Amazon
bb2-table__image Beardbrand Utility Balm
  • Amazing scent
  • Can be used on beard, hair, skin, and tattoos
  • Great hydration
Check Best Price
bb2-table__image Seven Potions Beard Balm
  • All-natural and organic
  • Great sandalwood scent
  • Not very greasy
Check on Amazon
bb2-table__image Smooth Viking Beard Balm
  • Designed to thicken your beard
  • All-natural ingredients
  • Suitable for long beards
Check on Amazon
bb2-table__image Billy Jealousy Scented Beard Balm
  • Astonishin scent that reminds a late-night cologne
  • Very hydrating
  • Medium to strong hold
Check on Amazon
bb2-table__image Zeus Conditioning Beard Balm
  • Fragrance free
  • Not greasy
  • Medium to light hold
Check on Amazon
bb2-table__image Prosaro Liquid Beard Balm
  • Lightweight
  • Not greasy
  • Easy to apply
Check on Amazon

Before you buy: 4 Things you should consider before purchasing a beard balm

1. Check your ingredients

Generally, you would want to select beard balms that are formulated with natural or organic ingredients rather than chemical and synthetic.

This is because a balm is a product that comes in contact with your beard and skin for long times so you definitely need to make sure that it is as natural as possible to minimize irritations and nasty unsightly reactions.

Ingredients to look for in a beard balm are usually:

  • Carrier oils: Such as jojoba oil, argan oil, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil, avocado oil, apricot oil, sunflower oil, etc.
  • Natural butters: Shea butter, cocoa butter, aloe vera, etc.
  • Essential oils: Lavender, grapefruit, peppermint, cedarwood, tea tree, rosemary, eucalyptus, etc.
  • Beeswax (Sealants): Beeswax is usually the most common ingredient that is included in a beard balm because of its quality to hold the beard hair while retaining its hydration for a longer time.

Though, beeswax is not vegan friendly as it comes from bees. If you are looking for a vegan-friendly balm, then look for beard balms that contain alternatives such as carnauba wax, candelilla wax, jojoba wax, etc.

On the other hand, some ingredients you should consider avoiding if you have sensitive or dry skin types are:

  • Isopropyl alcohol: This type of alcohol, while effective when it comes to cleansing the beard, can strip away the natural oils and moisture from the hair, making it dry, and more prone to itching, flakiness and beardruff.
  • Sulfates (a.k.a. sodium lauroyl): Like isopropyl alcohol, sulfates might be efficient in removing dirt and excess oil from the hair. But, regular use can cause dehydration, split ends, and roughness, which lead to redness and itchiness.
  • Mineral oils: Mineral oils (or petroleum) while they create a protective layer to keep the moisture in, it doesn’t provide extra hydration. It stops the skin from producing sebum which moisturizes the beard and increases the possibility to clog pores.
  • Artificial fragrances: These are usually alcohol-based and have the same side effects as isopropyl alcohol

2. Check its hold level

Usually, beard balms are split into three levels of hold strength: low, medium, and strong.

If you have a long, thick, and curly beard, it is advisable to go with a strong hold beard balm, medium and low hold balms don’t do so well with thick manes. For normal in-length manes, you can choose between low and medium hold options. Go for the medium hold if you want to tame or style your beard for longer periods of time.

3. Check its price

Depending on your budget, you can find beard balms that cost between $5 – $40. Everybody operates on a budget, and understandably no one wants to spend a fortune for just a beard taming product.

Usually, well-made balms cost around $20. However, don’t dismiss a balm because it is cheaper than that as there is plenty that is good.

3. Check its scent

You can find both scented and unscented beard balms on the market. If you are looking for a scented one, it is preferable to choose one that has a naturally derived fragrance. As said previously, artificial fragrances that are alcohol-based can possibly irritate the skin and dry the hair leading to split ends and breakages.

The 7 best beard balms for men

1.  Best conditioning balm, affordable: Honest Amish Beard Balm

Honest Amish Beard Balm

What stands out about this beard balm

  • Medium to light hold
  • All-natural ingredients
  • Extremely hydrating and conditioning

The best beard balm for

People with short to medium beards who like their beard soft and conditioned.


If you are a beard fanatic, then surely you’ve come across Honest Amish. It is one of the first brands that started selling beard care products, so you know their knowledge of beards is as solid as it getsgood.

By now, they have become well-respected amongst the beard gangs worldwide, and this is proven by the success of some of their products, such as the Honest Amish Beard Balm.

It is formulated with 100% natural ingredients so you know it is suitable for all beard and skin types.

It is packed with ingredients such as cocoa butter, kokum butter, shea nut butter, lavender oil, beeswax, and a variety of other carriers and essential oils. And, as you might expect, it doesn’t include any man-made chemicals, preservatives, fragrances, or colorings.

But, you might be wondering. How does it perform?

Cocoa, kokum, and shea nut butter are extremely moisturizing, providing rich nourishment and softness not only to the beard but also to the skin underneath it.

Using the product, you will definitely feel your beard conditioned and soft. It provides a medium hold, which in our opinion, is more on the light side. Its texture is balanced (nor thick, nor thin), and I found it to dissolve easily when rubbing it.

While it advertises itself as non-greasy, we found it to leave a greasy residue in our hands after application. This is probably due to the multiple kinds of butter it includes. However, the amount of greasiness that it leaves behind is also dependable on how much you use.

Despite its greasy texture, it is easily absorbed, and your beard will definitely love it. It moisturizes it, keeps it in place, and reduces the amount of beardruff even after the first use. You will instantly feel your beard healthier and itch-free.

It also makes the beard a little bit shiny in the sun. This subtle shine is welcome as it makes the beard look healthier. As for the scent, it has a balanced woodsy smell, that is very masculine and doesn’t interfere with your cologne. Brilliant!

If you have a very long and thick beard, this product will do wonders if your goal is to keep it conditioned. However, you might find that it struggles to keep it in place as it doesn’t provide a strong hold. If that’s the case, you should consider Smooth Viking Beard Balm in our list. Its hold is great and also includes shea butter to keep your beard hydrated.

The good

  • Reduces beardruff and itchiness
  • Nourishes and softens the beard
  • Free from harmful chemicals that could cause irritations.
  • Affordable price

The bad

  • It feels a little bit greasy on the hands
  • Don’t provide a suitable hold for long beard types

Bottom line

A great all-rounder from a company that surely knows what it’s doing.

2. Best versatile: Beardbrand Utility Balm

Beardbrand Utility Balm

What stands out about this beard balm

  • Light to medium hold
  • Shea butter formula
  • Excellent ‘’Old Money’’ scent

The best beard balm for

Men who are looking for a versatile balm to tame their beard and hair, and hydrate the skin.


Yeah, yeah, we know! There are a lot of products available in the market that help keep the beard and skin healthy and hydrated.

However, for us guys, in many cases, we just need the process to be as simplistic as possible and not have to apply a different product every time.

Beardbrand understands this, and this is why they created their Beardbrand Utility Balm. It is a balm formulated with shea butter, mango butter (yeah mango butter), and jojoba that is suitable for use not only on the beard but also on hair, skin, and even tattoos.

Shea and mango butter are rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins A and E. These vitamins add moisture and return the healthy shine to the hair. They soften the hair making it easy to manage and control while smoothing out split ends.

Vitamins A and E are also known for their anti-aging qualities when used topically on the skin, meaning they keep the skin hydrated, supple, and free from wrinkles and fine lines.

Jojoba is rich in antioxidants that strengthen the hair and balances excess oil. As it holds a molecular structure very similar to the skin’s sebum, it can hydrate while reducing unwanted greasiness and dandruff.

Now, let’s talk about how it performs.

I believe what makes this balm different than, let’s say, Honest Amish Beard Balm, which is beeswax-based, is that it doesn’t have an overly firm texture. Because of its shea butter formulation, it feels more like a thick cream that instantly melts through your hands after rubbing.

Beardbrand Utility Balm Texture (2)

It absorbs easily and definitely doesn’t feel overly greasy. It has a light to medium hold making it suitable for styling short to medium-sized beards. If you are looking for a beard balm that has a stronger hold, consider Smooth Viking Beard Balm.

After application, you will definitely feel your beard and skin softer and moisturized.

The smell of this balm is rich and surely will not disappoint. It is a woody citrus scent with primary notes of Oak, Amber, Leather, Lime, and Ylang Ylang. It is a warm aroma that is definitely long-lasting until the end of your day. You’d surely get a second look and a warm smile cus of how your beard smells.

The jar of this balm is another thing we liked. It is made from amber glass, making it better for storage as it protects the product from UV damage.

Beardbrand Utility Balm Packaging (2)

It feels and looks premium, and it will certainly be a great addition to your other grooming products.

The good

  • Excellent scent
  • Great moisturizing capabilities
  • Versatile – can be used on beard, hair, skin, and tattoos
  • Great packaging and jar design

The bad

  • Expensive
  • It might irritate people who are sensitive to fragrances

Bottom line

This is a fantastic balm for people looking for a versatile all-in-one product.

3. Best vegan balm: Seven Potions Beard Balm 

Seven Potions Beard Balm

What stands out about this beard balm

  • Vegan-friendly
  • Medium hold
  • Very hydrating

The best beard balm for

People who are looking for a balm that is vegan-friendly.


Honestly, Seven Potions is another brand that deserves a mention in our list of best beard balms, and here is why.

Not only is their Beard Balm formulated with natural ingredients but also, it is vegan friendly, due to their decision to exclude beeswax. Instead, they replaced it with Carnauba and Jojoba wax which, as said previously, are great alternatives (though, they don’t provide the same amount of hold as beeswax).

But there’s more! It includes other important ingredients such as cocoa butter, shea butter, peach oil, and apricot oil. These ingredients – because of their rich moisturizing and antioxidant properties – help condition and nourish the beard, leaving it soft and revitalized.

Using the product, it absorbs easily but definitely doesn’t feel as greasy on the hand as Honest Amish Beard Balm. As for its hold, I would say it is comparable to the medium hold of Honest Anish – maybe a tad better. This makes it more appropriate for shorter to medium beards.

If you were wondering how it smells and I am sure Seven Potions will not disappoint you. It has a pleasant blend of sandalwood and citrus character that will leave you wanting more as its aroma faints away fairly quickly. Its smell comes from its natural ingredients and not from artificial fragrances which, is always a plus.

If you are looking for a beard balm that doesn’t have any distinctive smell, consider Zeus Conditioning Beard Balm. It is unscented, doesn’t have any artificial fragrance and has a medium to light hold. However, it is important to mention that it is not vegan as it contains beeswax.

Lastly, like Honest Amish, it doesn’t provide a strong enough hold for long beard types. If you have a thicker or longer mane, consider either Smooth Viking Beard Balm or Rocky Mountain Barber Beard Balm, which provide stronger hold, but similar hydration. However, again it is worth mentioning that they are also not vegan.

The good

  • Great sandalwood/citrus scent
  • Vegan friendly
  • Not very greasy

The bad

  • People with longer beards might find the hold lacking
  • Definitely more expensive than other options

Bottom line

Seven Potions Beard Balm manages to condition the beard and provide solid hold while being vegan-friendly. Truly premium stuff!

4.  Best beard styling balm: Smooth Viking Beard Balm

Smooth Viking Beard Balm

What stands out about this beard balm

  • Strong hold
  • Very hydrating
  • All-natural ingredients

The best beard balm for

People who have a long, thick, or curly beard that needs to be tamed.


If you’re unable to control your beard, don’t lose hope!

Smooth Viking is here to rescue you with their Smooth Viking Beard Balm. What makes this beard balm different from the rest? It’s strong hold! And, when we say strong, we’re talking Viking strength kinda strong, and we are not evenover exaggerating. It is one of the best beard tamers.

What makes it great is that it provides a strong hold without your beard feeling stiff or heavy.

However, we won’t lie! It is definitely thicker and waxier in texture than other beard balms we have tried before. The waxier feel will make your beard feel greasy if you apply too much.

Nevertheless, despite its thicker waxier texture, we’ve found it to melt very easily when rubbing it to apply.

Another thing that we liked, is that despite its strong hold, it doesn’t lose any of its moisturizing capabilities. It includes ingredients such as shea butter, jojoba oil, and pumpkin seed oil, that not only hydrate and nourish the skin, but also relieve it from conditions such as itchiness, redness, and flakes.

One thing that we didn’t like about this balm is its scent, as it does contain a very slight amount of fragrance/parfum. While it is not very overpowering, it looks like they tried too hard to make something unique which, doesn’t work, in our opinion. Some reviewers also mentioned that it smells more synthetic or like a deodorant rather than a balm. It fades away relatively quickly, though.

The good

  • Very strong hold that doesn’t make the hair appear unnatural
  • Conditions and keeps the hair hydrated all-day
  • You can use it to style your mustache as well if needed

The bad

  • The scent is not for everyone’s flavor and contains a very subtle amount of fragrance
  • Greasy formula

Bottom line

This is a great balm that will keep your mane tamed, and soft as a pillow.

5. Best scented balm: Billy Jealousy Scented Beard Balm

Billy Jealousy Scented Beard Balm

What stands out about this beard balm

  • Available in a variety of scents
  • Very moisturizing
  • Medium to strong hold

The best beard balm for

People who value scent and luxury


Billy Jealousy’s Scented Beard Balm is a premium balm that promises to provide you with only the best aroma and experience when taking care of your beard. Seriously, the brand doesn’t lie. We were so impressed that it had to take the place of the best smelling beard balm in our review.

Let’s discuss its smell!

You have the option to choose between 6 aromas which, tell you how much they value smell as a part of the beard care experience. While we haven’t tried all of them, I must say that their Devil’s Delight’s aroma is one of the best we’ve come across so far. It is truly a delight!

Billy Jealousy manages to create a wonderful smell that reminds of a masculine cologne without making it smell overpowered. It definitely fits the darker and warmer character of a late-night fragrance which makes you feel smart. This elevates your beard care routine, making you wantwanting more.

Another thing to discuss is its key natural ingredients. It is formulated with coconut oil, beeswax, shea butter, sunflower oil, castor oil, and vitamin E. So it has all the necessary ingredients for a solid hold and great moisturization.

Now, let’s describe how it actually performs in terms of hold, greasiness, and shininess.

Right off the bat, this balm was thick in texture, probably due to the high amounts of beeswax in its formulation. However, we found it fairly easy to spread and apply.

Surprisingly, it didn’t appear as greasy as we thought it would be, which was a big plus. As for the shine it gives, it is almost unnoticeable. Other beard balms on the list give more shine, i.e. Honest Amish Beard Balm. However, it is up to you to consider if it is an advantage or a disadvantage for you as sometimes a little bit of shine makes the beard look more healthy.

As for its hold, it sits around medium to strong, which is decent enough for even longer beards.

Overall, this is a great well-rounded beard balm that moisturizes, minimizes hair frizz and dandruff, and does a great job in keeping your beard tamed no matter the size.

An issue to consider – the synthetic fragrance!

If you are sensitive to fragrances, then obviously this one is not for you. Check for other beard balms that have a more subtle scent, such as Seven Potions or Zeus Conditioning Beard Balm, which is unscented.

The good

  • Amazing scent that reminds a late-night cologne
  • Minimizes frizz and hydrates the hair and skin
  • Effective on most beard lengths
  • Provides medium to strong hold, that is effective on most beard lengths

The bad

  • Contains fragrance which might irritate some
  • It is a bit thicker in texture
  • A bit pricier than other options on the list

Bottom line

Billy Jealousy’s Beard Balm ticks all the boxes when it comes to scent and solid hold.

6. Best unscented balm: Zeus Conditioning Beard Balm 

Zeus Conditioning Beard Balm

What stands out about this beard balm

  • Unscented
  • Paraben-free
  • Nourishes and conditions

The best beard balm for

People who don’t like any kind of scent in their grooming products


Who doesn’t want godly-looking facial hair? As its name suggests, this beard balm borrows the powers of ‘’ZEUS’’ straight from mountain Olympus intending to tame your beard and protect it from breakage and frizz.

It is formulated with natural ingredients such as beeswax, sunflower seed, and shea butter, and it is free from any artificial ingredients such as parabens and sulfates.

Beeswax shapes the beard and keeps the hair in place. Sunflower cleanses the skin’s pores, and shea butter moisturizes and reduces damage to the hair, such as frizz and breakage.

Nevertheless, what makes this product unique from the rest on our list is the fact that it is unscented. This makes it perfect for people sensitive to strong scents, as it is completely fragrance-free.

Let’s discuss how it performs.

The balm has a medium to light hold. This makes it great for shorter in-length beards. If you are looking for a beard balm that provides a stronger hold, consider the Smooth Viking Beard Balm on our list.

As for its texture, it has a thick consistency, and you definitely need to rub it in your hands a bit in order to apply it evenly. Nevertheless, we didn’t find it to be greasy or overly shiny, which is a plus.

While it doesn’t contain any fragrance, you might notice a very light sunflower scent from its natural formulation. However, it goes away almost immediately.

The good

  • Medium to light hold that appears natural
  • Fragrance-free
  • Non-greasy or overly shiny

The bad

  • A bit pricey

Bottom line

This is one of the best unscented beard balms you can find on the market at the moment.

7. Best liquid balm: Prosaro Liquid Beard Balm

Prosaro Liquid Beard Balm

What stands out about this beard balm

  • Liquid beard balm
  • Amazing conditioning
  • Great variety of scents available

The best beard balm for

People who don’t like the thick and greasy textures of regular beard balms


If there’s one thing we can say about Proraso, it’s that they’re passionate about their men’s grooming products. This is evident by their Prosaro Beard Balm.

Straightaway, checking this product out, it is very different than the rest in our list. Why?

It is a unique beard balm that has a liquid form. And, tell you what? It is surprisingly really effective in conditioning the beard, relieving it from itchiness and roughness.

It is made with 90% of natural ingredients, with some notable ones being glycerin, cedarwood, saffron & vanilla, and eucalyptus. However, you will definitely notice the absence of wax in this one, and this was reflected in its performance.

Let’s start with its texture. It has a thick liquid texture that is very easy to apply all over your beard evenly. After application, you will feel your skin refreshed and your beard conditioned due to its high amount of glycerin. In my opinion, softening and conditioning the beard is the strong suit of this balm.

Because of the lack of wax, you will definitely notice the lack of control, especially if you have medium to longer beard types. So, if you are looking for a balm that offers a good hold, go with any other pne on our list, as it will offer a better job in that area. However, the lack of wax has some benefits. It felt less greasy and didn’t provide much shine, which is something that some men prefer.

As for the scent, we have tried Wood and Spice, and we found it amazing. Really masculine and balanced. If you are into more old-school aromas, then you will definitely enjoy this one. It is a bit stronger, so you will certainly notice it for like an hour. Because of that, we wouldn’t recommend combining it with your cologne.

Lastly, we’ve found some other issues that need to be mentioned.

The cap on the bottle is made of plastic and felt really cheap if you take into consideration that this is a beard balm that is on the expensive side.

Additionally, it does contain artificial ingredients such as fragrances and alcohol. Due to that, I wouldn’t recommend it to very dry skin types as they are often irritated by alcohol. If you are sensitive to any of these, consider other beard balms on our list, such as Honest Amish Beard Balm. It is a balm that is made with 100% of natural ingredients that are really hydrating, like cocoa & kokum butter, jojoba & sweet almond oil, etc.

The good

  • Low shine effect
  • Great scent
  • Very easy to apply due to its liquid form and not greasy texture
  • Solid hydration and softening

The bad

  • Contains fragrances and alcohol which, might irritate some
  • A bit on the expensive side for a balm
  • The scent might be overpowering for some

Bottom line

This is a premium product that offers the qualities of a balm but in a more liquid form. Definitely worth the price if you are one of those people who prefer easier applications.

How we chose the best beard balms

Well, there is no secret formula when it comes to how we chose the best beard balms for this article.

A lot of it comes from what we have used before, our experience with them, and also how positive the reviews on the Internet were.

We have tried to pick options depending on the characteristics that people look for when purchasing a beard balm, such as the scent, the price, the types of hold, the ingredients, etc., making it easier for you to decide which one works better for you, your beard, and your skin type.

We understand that there might be products that are equally good but didn’t make the list. However, unfortunately, we couldn’t try every single beard balm available out there.

Beard balm, beard oil, beard wax – what’s the difference?

No one can disagree that there are a lot of different products available on the market in regards to beards: beard conditioning products, beard taming products, beard cleansing products, beard grooming kits, and the list go on.

Because of that, there is no surprise that there is confusion when it comes to the difference between beard balms, beard oil, and beard wax. But don’t worry, we are here to break down and explain in detail what is the distinction between each of them, so we can make your decision easier on what you should purchase.

Without further ado, let’s get to it!

Beard oil

Beard oil is probably the most common of beard products as it existed for a long time.

Its main purpose is to condition the hair as it imitates the oil produced naturally by our skin and is unable to reach the hair ends.

Let’s discuss what it is usually made of.

When we say beard oil, it generally means a carrier oil such as jojoba, castor, avocado, coconut, sweet almond oils, etc., in combination with other essential oils such as rosemary, lavender, sandalwood oils, etc.

These oils are very rich in hydrating and moisturizing properties, which assist in softening the hair. They are packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic agents, which also help to clean up the skin’s pores and to treat conditions such as eczema and acne.

Because of its above qualities and conditioning effect, it helps reduce itchiness and beardruff.

Now, let’s take a look at the beard balm.

Beard balm

Beard balm is closely comparable to beard oil, but it’s not the same thing. Let’s explain why.

The biggest differences here are its consistency and its formulation.

While beard balms also include carrier and essential oils, they also add natural butters and sealants in their formulation. Natural butters are included for their moisturizing capabilities and their effectiveness in adding more volume to the hair. Sealants, such as beeswax are used to retain that added moisture.

I know what you are thinking. If the purpose of a balm is to condition the beard, what makes it different from beard oil?

The answer here is its ‘’paste-like’’ consistency. Because it is thicker in texture and has ingredients such as beeswax, it isn’t absorbed as easily by the hair and skin, like beard oil. This lets you have a softer beard for longer periods of time before you need to reapply.

Its consistency and inclusion of waxes make it also a balanced option if you want to style and control your beard.

Beard wax

Beard wax is very similar to beard balm in terms of ingredients. What makes them different is the percentage and quantity in which they include these ingredients. Usually, a beard wax contains more waxy substances – i.e. beeswax, lanolin, etc. – with the only purpose to provide additional hold.

In summary, while a beard balm offers the perfect balance between control and hair conditioning, beard wax is mostly used for styling purposes and thus, usually provides a stronger hold.

So you should consider purchasing a beard wax if you have a long beard that is harder to tame.

Lastly, because of the higher amount of waxy substances, beard wax usually provides more shine than beard balms and oils.

Beard balm & Beard oil: Can I use them at the same time?

In short: Yes, you can!

While you can use beard balm & beard oil together, make sure to apply the oil first as it is more easily absorbent by the skin and hair.

This is in order to avoid the greasy appearance that might occur if you overapply.

Additionally, there are other alternative ways you can still use both of them in the same beard care routine:

For example, you can use one in the morning and one in the night. Which during each time is a matter of personal preference. If you have a long beard that needs to be controlled, it makes sense to use the balm in the morning for a more controlled look throughout the day, and the beard oil during the evening for additional hydration and softness before you sleep.

Alternately, you can even apply each one on different days.

Now, let’s take a look at how you should apply your beard balm correctly in 6 simple steps.

How to apply beard balm in 6 simple, illustrated steps

If you are a newbie in the beard care area, don’t worry, we have you covered. Below you can find how to apply your newly bought beard balm in 6 easy illustrated steps.

1. Apply your beard balm at a proper time

apply beard balm after a shower

It is usually more beneficial to apply your beard balm after your morning shower. This is when your beard is more warm and damp, and therefore more absorbent of your balm’s key ingredients.

As said earlier, you will also benefit from a more controlled mane during the day.

2. Use the right amount

scoop out a small amount of beard balm

Scoop out a small amount around the size of your thumbnail of balm to the tin. Some longer beards require double the amount than that.

3. Rub the balm with your hands

rub the beard balm vigorously

Rub the balm with your hands in a circular motion until it is fully melted.

4. Start from the bottom

some experts suggest differently

Start from the bottom of your beard and work your way upward.

5. Spread it evenly

massage the beard balm into your beard

Massage with open hands in a circular motion. It’s critical to get started at the roots and not at the top of the hair. Dig deep.

6. Brush your beard with a beard brush

use a natural bristle brush

Once you’ve fully rubbed the balm in, you can brush your beard with a natural beard brush, making sure you didn’t leave any traces behind and achieved a controlled look.

After that, you are ready to get out and leave people in awe!


Well, that’s it, I guess.

Hopefully, you found this article informative and helpful with your decision to purchase a beard balm.

As always, if you have any comments or questions about beard balms – or any of the products we recommend – contact us. We value your feedback.

Until next time!

  • I had been using LB Beard Butter for quite a long time, and wanted a balm. I searched Beard Balms, and your site came up. I remember seeing Amish at Walmart, so picked a can up. At first I wasn’t sure about the scent,,but its addicting. Im short beard now (about 2-3 weeks) and have immediately noticed a little extra fast growth. I really like it. I also bought Viking Revolution to try, I tried this because it was on Amazon, and the name is Viking lol. I searched Smooth Viking because of your site, but reviwes were mixed. I really like Viking Revoulution alot also. The Sadlewood is pretty good–they say they are all Natural also. I want to try Amish Oil next. Thank you

  • I’m looking for an unscented beard balm – you say number 4 is unscented but that’s wrong – look it up and you’ll see that it smells of sandalwood (the clue is also in the name of the product). Any ideas where I can find a decent natural unscented or minimal scent balm?

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