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    28 Bridesmaid Gifts That People Will Actually Want

    Being a bridesmaid is a lot of work! Make sure to thank them with the perfect gift.

    1. Matching custom robes with tres chic lace or pom-pom trims.

    2. A little book you can fill out for each bridesmaid to let them know how grateful you are to have them in your life and at your wedding.

    3. A set of wine labels that pop the question so you can start popping bottles.

    4. A Golden Girls-inspired gift that will really say "thank you for being a friend."

    5. A pair of personalized slippers so everyone can let their toes breathe in between photoshoots.

    6. A Sephora gift card so they can gather supplies for the wedding or find something relaxing to enjoy afterwards.

    7. Cat pearl earrings that are the purrfect way to tell your bridesmaids you'll be friends furrever.

    8. Alcoholic gummies that have basically half a shot of booze in them. Chewing is the new sipping.

    9. A handkerchief with one simple request on it.

    10. A custom flute so no one loses track of their drink, whether its a mimosa or just OJ.

    11. A pair of decked out wedding sneaks courtesy of Kate Spade and Keds.

    12. Matching shirts for the bachelorette party, if booze is going to be a part of your celebration.

    13. Matching makeup bags so you can all look super cute while getting ready for the big event.

    14. An initial bracelet that feels personal and can be worn even after the wedding.

    15. A game of Prosecco pong to be a promise that you'll still hang out post-wedding.

    16. An embroidered beach bag every bridesmaid will love to have while getting some sun during your bachelorette party.

    17. Custom stickers of the bridal party's faces to commemorate the massive amount of time you all spent together.

    18. A zodiac constellation necklace to tell your bridesmaids that your friendship was written in the stars.

    19. A pair of champagne-flavored jelly beans so everyone can celebrate, even the non-drinkers.

    20. A delicate ring with their name on it because if you like your friends you should put a ring on them.

    21. A tiny personalized cube you can fill with little goodies your bridesmaids will love.

    22. A set of Polaroid-style coasters you can customize with photos of you and your bridesmaids having a great time.

    23. A personalized candle for a very scents-able gift.

    24. A llamacorn planter complete with a lil' cactus babe even your ~prickly~ bridesmaids will enjoy.

    25. A cat-eared headband so your whole cat pack can get ready together.

    26. Heart hoop earrings everyone will have heart-eyes for.

    27. A fancy box to put all your tiny gifts in.

    28. OR a custom box of goodies you can pay someone else to throw together, because OK, wedding planning is really hectic and you don't have a lot of time.

    Obligatory Bridesmaids gif:

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