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    19 Stunning Diaper Cakes Anyone Can Make

    Enter baby shower beastmode.

    Hold up. Did you say diaper... cake?

    Yes. They're a great baby shower gift, because new parents can ~never~ get enough diapers, at least until their kiddo is potty trained. And they make for an awesome shower centerpiece. Here are 18 ways to make one:

    1. An un-bee-lieveably cute bee cake.

    2. A diaper hot air balloon.

    3. A topsy-turvy cake wrapped in fun, colorful ribbon.

    4. A "fondant-style" cake covered in little baby blankets.

    5. A perfect princess cake that comes with a tutu.

    6. A gorgeous giraffe-printed cake with pinwheels.

    7. A dinosaur themed cloth diaper tower.

    8. A motorcycle (or bicycle!) ridden by cute stuffed animal of choice.

    9. A simple and classy Chuck Taylor cake.

    10. A tower of diaper cupcakes.

    11. A cake where the top tier is made from colorful washcloths and teething blankets.

    12. A cake with fairy wings for the future costume closet.

    13. A cloth diaper sushi platter (not cake, but it still counts).

    14. An adorable gender-neutral cake and matching centerpiece.

    15. A simple, spring-inspired version topped with silk flowers.

    16. A quick and easy wreath to hang in the baby's bedroom.

    17. A bassinet cake made from two shoeboxes.

    18. A cake graced by Uglydolls, and whose most important feature is the secret inside.

    (It's champagne for the parents, of course.) Here's the tutorial.

    Somebody else already making a diaper cake for the parents? Turn a few onesies into a box of cupcakes.

    Useable time and time again, until they're outgrown. Here's the tutorial.