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Q–I always store my out-of-season clothes in mothballs, but I don’t like the smell they leave. Is there some blend of herbs and spices that would keep the moths away?

–Marietta, Ga.

A–Lavender is an effective natural moth deterrent, and it’s also aromatic. Every year, I make lavender-and-cedar sachets to help keep moths out of my closets.

Little drawstring bags made of muslin are perfect for sachets. Just fill them with dried lavender flowers, or a mixture of lavender and red-cedar shavings, and tie with a ribbon. Don’t pack the bags too tightly–the air should be able to circulate so the wonderful fragrance comes through.

If you can’t find muslin bags, a muslin square or a handkerchief also will work well. Just place the herbs in the center of the fabric, gather the ends and secure with a ribbon.

Hang sachets in the closet or tuck them into drawers.

I also use other potpourri blends to make lovely, fragrant sachets. Some of my favorites are eucalyptus, rose petals and dried citrus peel.

A wide variety of dried herbs and flowers is available at most herb and spice stores. The sachets will last for almost a year.

Q–Would you recommend reglazing as opposed to buying a new tub?

–Bethpage, N.Y.

A–A slightly worn tub or sink–one that has some enamel-ware–can be reglazed. This is a nice way to preserve an old or unusual bathroom fixture. And it generally costs less than having the old one removed and replaced.

When the surface of a tub or sink feels porous, looks dull or is stained or chipped, it’s ready for reglazing–a job for a professional refinisher. The process involves coating the old porcelain or enamel with a synthetic, sprayed-on porcelain finish.

A tub I reglazed a few years ago is holding up nicely; the finish still looks fresh. It does not get day-in, day-out use, but refinishers tell me that most jobs will last approximately three to 10 years, depending on wear and tear.

Heavy abrasive cleansers can harm the finish.

Q–I often think about having an ice sculpture as a centerpiece for my table, but I can’t find a mold for this.

–Shaker Heights, Ohio

A–There are plastic molds, such as the ones used for molding chocolate, that would work well for small ice sculptures. Look for them at baking-supply stores and in cooking catalogs. Larger ice sculptures can be created at home from more massive blocks of ice. Professionals use an odd variety of tools to create their works of art: small chain saws, propane torches, chisels and hammers.


Martha Stewart welcomes letters. She cannot reply individually, but you may write to her in care of the Chicago Tribune, Home section, 435 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611. Or send e-mail to