For something that seems like it should be so simple—you let the hair on your face grow, and that's that—having a beard is actually pretty damn complicated. First you have to worry about growing it out. Then you have to shape it up. Then there's the continued maintenance: occasional trims, beard balms and oils, maybe even a little wax on the mustache if that's your thing. There's a lot!

And yet, grow beards we do. Because having a beard can be a glorious thing, one that's well worth the effort. (And anyways, shaving presents its whole own set of issues.) But maybe you want a lush facial forest, but don't think you're able to cultivate one. Maybe you're worried about your patchy beard, which you shouldn't be, because all beards are uniquely beautiful. But if fullness is what you seek, it's not that complicated. Really.

World Premiere Of Apple TV+'s "See" - Red Carpet
Kevin Winter//Getty Images
Believe it or not, Jason Momoa has a few patchy spots in his beard.

Step 1: The Leap of Faith

Way, way too many guys abandon their beardly aspirations based on the belief that their facial hair distribution is too sparse to support one. This is a mistake. Take it from someone with a big ol' beard and honestly, pretty skimpy coverage: The only way to truly know if you're able to grow a beard you'll love is to grow that damn beard. Even if you don't believe it'll look good in its final iteration, you've got to put down the razor and let the journey begin.

Step 2: The Trial

Now, you wait. You let those follicles reach out into the world. You examine as one-bare parts of your cheek and chin become less-bare. You give it at least a couple weeks, but maybe more, based on how fast your hair grows. You track your progress and evaluate in real time. This is your beard—you know what you want.

2017 Film Independent Spirit Awards  - Arrivals
Frazer Harrison//Getty Images
Jon Hamm has just a few patches, but they clearly don’t bother him. Take a page from his book.

Step 3: The Determination

There will come a time when you realize you have the necessary information. I urge you to forestall any panic-shaving until you are certain you have reached this moment—a month sounds tough, but it's a good stretch of time to shoot for. Have you reached, or obviously taken strides toward, a beard you can love? Great! If not, move on to Step 1A.

Step 1A: The Simple Solution

If you're still feeling like your facial hair is too patchy to grow out a long beard, well...don't. Just keep it on the shorter side, and embrace the rakishness of it. You're a rogue now! A man with a beard that revels in its own un-fullness! You aren't bound by anyone's unrealistic expectations, least of all your own. And you, my friend, are still gloriously bearded. Congrats.