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Six Ways To Get Better Photos From Your DSLR

Updated Sep 13, 2014, 11:12am EDT
This article is more than 9 years old.

So you've gone out and purchased that shiny new DSLR or high-end mirrorless camera. The one whose sales brochure promises to free you to create amazing images. Yet your photos don't seem much better than what you were getting with your point-and-shoot, or your phone, for that matter. The truth is that there's no magic bullet for turning out inspiring photographs. While today's enthusiast cameras can indeed produce remarkable results, a camera is only as good as the person standing behind it. Here are some tried and true photo tips that can lead you to better images. They're based on principles nearly as old as photography. So you don't need the most technologically advanced gear to practice them. You can use these tips with any camera that has manual exposure controls, the ability to swap lenses, and a flash port.

Shoot in great light

Shooting when the sun is low gives soft, warm light and long, gentle shadows. Photo: Amadou Diallo

Noon is a great time for lunch, but not so hot for taking photos outdoors. The sun is at its highest point overhead, casting harsh light that often leads to blown out skies in landscapes or  unflattering hot spots in portraits. Photographers have long known that the best light for shooting outdoors occurs around dawn and dusk, the so-called golden hours. Early in the morning you get a soft, cooler light that offers even illumination. Late in the day, as the sun sets, you get a warm light coupled with long shadows that add depth and dimension to your image. So the next time you're on vacation, use your sightseeing time to scout locations, saving some time about an hour or so before sunset to revisit some of your favorites and photograph them in flattering light.

Blur the background

One of the most effective ways to make any subject stand out against a busy background is to shoot at a wide aperture. Doing so narrows the portion of the scene that is in sharp focus, an area described as depth of field. Here, your DSLR or large-sensor mirrorless camera will have a huge advantage over point-and-shoot cameras or smartphones. That's because the larger the camera sensor, the narrower you can make your depth of field. When you shoot at a very wide aperture, the background blurs into a creamy abstract pattern of colors, making your subject pop. The wider the aperture, the more dramatic the result, so go as wide as your lens allows.

Move your flash off-camera

The pop-up flash on your camera has two serious limitations. It's not very powerful and its position is always fixed in relation to the camera. That's why pros prefer to use off-camera flash that they can place at any angle or distance to their subject, regardless of their shooting position. Off-camera flash technique can be as simple as holding your camera in one hand and a small flash in the other, or as involved as using two or more flashes, each mounted in a stand with an umbrella or softbox to produce diffuse, flattering light. It's the latter approach that also delivers pleasing catchlights - the reflection of the light source - in your subject's eyes. Pro lighting gear can get pricey, but you can pick up a used flash for very little (the brand doesn't even need to match your camera since you'll be using it in manual mode) and buy an inexpensive sync cable to connect the flash to your camera so that it fires when you press the shutter button. The Strobist is a great online resource to help you get started with off-camera flash.

Convert to black-and-white

Black-and-white images rely on form and contrast to create drama. Photo: Amadou Diallo

Some images just look better in black-and-white. The absence of color places an emphasis on form and contrast. And because early photographs were in a monochrome medium, even modern black-and-white images can convey a sense of timelessness. Of course your camera sees in color, but this is actually a good thing. Image editing software allows you to easily convert images from color to black-and-white, making use of the underlying color information to make pleasing tonal adjustments. In landscape photos for example, good editing software will let you easily darken the blue sky independently of the green grass in the foreground, or vice versa. So the next time you're editing an image and can't quite get it to sing, especially if it has muted colors to begin with, try converting it to black-and-white.

Use long exposures

One arrow in every pro photographer's quiver is the ability to convey a sense of motion by using a slow shutter speed. It's the exact opposite of freezing action with a fast shutter speed. You often see this in shots of busy urban scenes, like in the image of Grand Central Terminal above. The shutter speed was set at 1/4 second which is much slower than the walking pace of pedestrians. So people in the scene that were moving show motion blur, while those standing still are rendered normally. Slow shutter speeds can be a great way to give a sense of urban hustle and bustle. Just be aware that at shutter speeds this slow, you'll need to be shooting with a tripod to avoid camera shake.

Break some rules

One of the most commonly-repeated rules for exposure is, "shoot with your back to the sun". Shooting into the sun creates backlighting and the possibility of lens flare, both of which require special attention to manage. But as you gain more confidence in your photography skills you'll find that breaking the rules can actually lead to more creative results. In the image above, I was shooting into the sun precisely so I could get its rays peeking out from behind the barn. I had to manually adjust exposure so that the barn didn't become too dark. And I had to experiment in finding the best position to stand so that the sun was just kissing the side of the barn, with its rays splitting into a nice starburst pattern. A step or two in either direction would have led to a ruined shot. But the result is a much more interesting and enjoyable shot. So don't be afraid to break the rules on occasion. Just make sure you know what they are first.

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